According to data provided by Services Australia to The Epoch Times, over $13 million has been paid out in vaccine injury claims in Australia.

Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia 1

The Australian government has settled claims for COVID-19 vaccination injuries from individuals who suffered side effects from the injection for $20.5 million (US$13.2 million).

Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia 2

You can read more about it here at Epoch Times.

According to data from Services Australia given to The Epoch Times, 286 out of 4,191 claims, or 6.82 percent of all claims, have received compensation thus far.

“As of 31 March 2024, the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme has received 4,191 claims and paid 286 claims to the value of around $20.5 million,” a spokesperson said.

“Services Australia expects to receive new claims until the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme’s end date of 30 September 2024.”

The revised numbers through the end of March come after the government submitted information to the COVID-19 Inquiry, stating that it had paid claims totaling $16.9 million through the end of November 2023.

On May 14, in the evening, the federal government is expected to present a budget for 2024–2025 that includes all government agencies.

How Does the Vaccine Claims Scheme Work?

People who have “moderate to severe adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines” may be able to claim losses exceeding $1,000 under Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine claims program.

The vaccines covered by it include those manufactured by AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax and approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Under the direction of Services Australia, the Department of Health and Aged Care (DHAC) oversees the program. Based on recommendations from the TGA, the Department revised the policy in April to add more ailments that might be claimed.

People must meet the criteria for harm, be admitted as inpatients to the hospital, or obtain a waiver if receiving outpatient care to be eligible to file a compensation claim.

Furthermore, the vaccine-related losses or expenses must have totaled more than $1,000 for the individuals who were harmed.

Anaphylactic reaction, erythema multiforme (major), myocarditis, pericarditis, and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome were among the disorders that were listed.

Vaccine-related shoulder injuries and other moderate-to-severe physical injuries requiring long-term medical care or resulting in permanent damage are also mentioned.

“In both cases, the injuries must have been sustained during the physical act of being given the vaccine. You must also have been admitted to hospital as an in-patient,” Services Australia explains.

“Presenting to an emergency department is not recognized as being admitted to hospital.”

Similarly, last year, as reported by GreatGameIndia, the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) released data showing that the US has settled Covid vaccine injury claims.

Lockdown Leads to Surge in Demand for Government Services

Services Australia reported that in 2020, it handled 1.3 million JobSeeker claims in 55 days, which is equivalent to the volume of claims typically handled in 2.5 years.

“At the peak, more than 53,000 claims were completed in a single day. Within the same 55-day period, the Agency also received and monitored approximately 3.7 million phone calls, 1.9 million service center walk-ins, and 250,000 social media interactions,” the department said.

Additionally, demand for COVID-related claims increased in 2021 during Victoria’s lockdown.

“In less than 4 months, between 1 July and 26 October 2021, Services Australia processed over 5.1 million COVID-related claims alone—more than the full-year total of 3.5 million claims across all social security and welfare payments in the year prior to COVID (2018-19).”

Not Enough Focus on Mental Health, Psychologists

Concerns have been expressed by the Australian Association of Psychologists Incorporated (AAPi) regarding the lack of attention paid to mental health support throughout the pandemic.

“Particularly during times of crisis, such as snap lockdowns, crisis support lines should have been prominently displayed along with the urging of people to reach out for support and the continuation of psychological treatment,” they said.

Concerns about alcohol businesses and retailers taking advantage of the situation were also expressed by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE).

“Alcohol companies invested significantly in digital marketing and in expanding their capacity to deliver alcohol, outpacing privacy and marketing regulation,” FARE said.

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