How US Intel Helped India Beat Back China

A source familiar with a previously unreported U.S. intelligence review of the encounter in the Arunachal Pradesh region said that US intelligence helped India beat back China.

China Sends Malfunctioning Fighter Jets To Myanmar

China Sends Malfunctioning Fighter Jets To Myanmar

The decision to buy JF-17 fighter aircraft from China and Pakistan has come back to haunt Myanmar. The JF-17 fighter jet, which has been jointly built by China and Pakistan, has become a burden for the Myanmar Air Force.

China Proposes ‘Global Civilization Initiative’

China Proposes Global Civilization Initiative

Leaders of political parties and organizations from around the world have hailed the China-proposed Global Civilization Initiative, saying that it has great relevance, together with the Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative, to building up countries’ consensus on addressing mounting global challenges in terms of peace, security, development and harmonious coexistence.

China Simulates Ballistic Missile Attack On US

The South China Morning Post reported that China simulated a ballistic missile attack on the US and a North Korean missile could strike the center of the US in 1,997 seconds or almost 33 minutes.