From Andhra To Kashmir – Return Of East India Company

Return of East India Company

In the late 90s secret meetings took place in London where the blueprint for the ‘development’ of an entire Indian state was envisioned. Called Vision 2020, the scheme was the brainchild of an American consultancy firm born out of US military – McKinsey. It was supposed to be a role model and exported to other […]

Operation Seashell – How Israel Secretly Armed Iran & Later India

Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, Musa al-Sadr and Sadegh Tabatabaei

Operation Seashell was a clandestine Israeli operation to secretly arm Iran in exchange for continued access to Iranian oil. Later in 2009, the same Israeli arms company used as a conduit for secret arms sales to Iran was found to be involved in a major arms scandal in India. 1981 Mystery of Armenia mid-air collision […]

The Pakistani Disinformation Campaign Against India

Pakistani Disinformation Campaign Against India

Since the terrorist attack on a convoy in Pulwama on February 14th, 2019, GreatGameIndia has been closely watching suspicious online activities from across the border, intent on creating chaos and confusion in India. Although the impact of such low-level misinformation was minimal initially, it was on the morning of Pakistani airstrikes on India that the […]

Huawei Controversy And Telecom Security In India

Huawei Controversy

In 2013 Huawei Telecommunications (India) Pvt Ltd applied for government permission to set a manufacturing plant in India. On papers Huawei India is a nondescript Company incorporated in India with Directors from China. Its parent Company Huawei Technologies Company Limited was founded by Ren Zhengfei in China. Huawei literally means Chinese achievement. It produces Telephone […]

Indian Army: A Fate Worse Than Death – S14

Indian Army

Are you aware that one of the key dimensions of the Strategic Defense Initiative required the reduction and degradation of Indian Army from a formidable and feared fighting force, capable of protecting the country from any threat, into a degenerate, fourth-grade and politicized institution? DO WE or DO WE NOT have a capability to SOLVE […]

Round Tripping Black Money As FDI -India’s Biggest Scam

Round Tripping

One of the leading puzzles related to cross border flow of investment is the phenomenon of ‘Round Tripping’. Here, money from a country (eg. India) flows to a foreign country (Mauritius) and comes back as foreign direct investment to India. We were told that demonetization would combat the black economy and also crack a whip […]

The Global War On Cash: Target India – Part 2

In the first part of this Global War On Cash Series we saw how Ronald Reagan’s economic strategies born of the Cold War to counter Soviet expansion and disrupt it’s economy paved the way for the Financial Crisis of 2008 creating a liquidity crisis of global proportions. As Western-European economies are still reeling under the […]

The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers

Note: The below GreatGameIndia story has led to a major national controversy exposing the role of #DeLaRue in printing of Indian currency notes. GreatGameIndia itself received a notice from the advisory firm Brunswick on behalf of De La Rue regarding the story. De La Rue’s notice and the official GreatGameIndia response can be read here. As […]

India’s War On Cash Or Global Economic Warfare?

Read the original GreatGameIndia story The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers published on 13th Nov 2016 that led to the press conference by Dilip Pandey exposing the role of blacklisted British company with Pakistani links #DeLaRue in printing of new Indian currency notes. It is not everyday that you wake up with a currency […]