When CIA Director Dan Coats Was Shocked That India Could Launch 104 Satellites On A Single Rocket

During US Senate Select Intelligence Committee confirmation hearing in March 2017, DNI (Director of National Intelligence) and CIA Director pick Dan Coats were shocked to learn that India could launch more than a hundred satellites into space on a single rocket. The director then proposes to develop defensive and offensive capabilities to counter India’s technological edge in space.

QR Code Based Coronavirus Freedom Passport To Prove If You’re COVID-19 Innocent

QR Code Based Coronavirus Freedom Passports To Prove If You're COVID-19 Innocent

Britain may soon roll-out QR based Coronavirus Freedom Passport to determine if you’re COVID-19 innocent. If found to be COVID-19 positive you may be barred from entering pubs, schools and workplaces. Two firms have been awarded Government contracts to develop a new app that would allow people to prove they do not have Covid. The […]

Barbados Walks Out Of Commonwealth & Removes Queen Elizabeth II As Sovereign

Barbados Walks Out Of Commonwealth & Removes Queen Elizabeth II As Sovereign

In a big announcement this week, the Caribbean nation of Barbados is planning to walk out of the Commonwealth and remove Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state. The Queen is the “constitutional monarch” of Barbados since her independence on 30 November 1966. As the sovereign, she is the personal embodiment of the Barbadian […]

Beaming Microwave Energy From Space Based Solar Power System

Beaming Microwave Energy To Earth From A Solar Power Plant In Space

Beaming microwave energy to Earth from a solar power plant in Space could be a reality soon with space based solar power system. Solar power plants are large structures in space that convert solar energy, captured as solar irradiation, into a form of energy that is transmitted wirelessly to any remote receiver station. Since at […]

NASA’s Orbital Debris Mitigation Strategy Against India’s National Security Interests

Orbital Debris Mitigation Strategy

India is about to sign the nearly two-decade-old U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices (ODMSP) or Orbital Debris  Mitigation Strategy which attempts to address the threat posed by space junk to a growing, more diverse space economy as well as science and technology development. However, experts believe the space junk agreement maybe against India’s […]

ISRO Scientist Assassinated In Hyderabad

ISRO Scientist Assassinated in Hyderabad

An ISRO scientist was recently found assassinated in Hyderabad. A native of Kerala, the scientist had been living in Hyderabad for 20 years. His wife was also working in the city but was transferred to Chennai in 2005. Their son is settled in the US, while the daughter lives in New Delhi. ISRO Scientist Assassinated […]

US Prepares Olympic Defender In Response To India’s ASAT Test

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Gen David Goldfein announcing the demonstration of a Space Weapon at the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Even before India tested its anti-satellite ASAT missile codename Mission Shakti on March 27, 2019, the US was already aware as hinted by DRDO Chief in its press conference and was actively observing the developments. During this time the US even denied visa to two of India’s top scientists – Secretary, Department of Defense Research […]

Of MuttaaDhiPatis, PeethaDhiPatis & Allied Gangsters. S12

Religious Leaders

Let the Indians note that none of the PeethaDhiPatis either of the Vaishnavite or the Shaivite Order or MuttaDhipathis or the Sri Vidya Upasakas or any other Indian Religious Leaders either consciously or unconsciously, either in wakeful state or their dream state, even raise the faintest of protests asking our Government to restore this greatest […]