Of MuttaaDhiPatis, PeethaDhiPatis & Allied Gangsters. S12

Religious Leaders

Let the Indians note that none of the PeethaDhiPatis either of the Vaishnavite or the Shaivite Order or MuttaDhipathis or the Sri Vidya Upasakas or any other Indian Religious Leaders either consciously or unconsciously, either in wakeful state or their dream state, even raise the faintest of protests asking our Government to restore this greatest […]

Gold Wars: From Demonetization To DeAurization. S11

Gold Wars

The main cause of the financial ruin in the interval 2008-2012 was this currency manipulation, without any gold left to back it up. If the countries are not of European origin, they are all subjected to what we can now call as gold wars or pipeLine wars in which Iraq and Libya are knocked out […]

Demonetization: Economists Or Fraudsters? S09

Round Tripping

At least now, post demonetization, do we have any fresh estimates of the Black Money in the country, or its rate of generation? This would have been a very interesting study to do. Why haven’t we seen it done? Around 1986 two professors, four readers and a few other management experts of the “prestigious” IIM […]

From Joseph Stalin To Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit: “Aren’t You Ashamed Of Yourself?” S07

Are the Teacher-Student relations in India not based on fraud? We quote here the conversation between Joseph Stalin and Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, India’s first ambassador to Russia. We had heard the slogan “Gujarat Shining”, the actual developments being in great part due to the great efforts of our Prime Minister Honorable Narendra Modi. Very few […]

Indian Nuclear Weapons Or Firecrackers? S06

Indian Nuclear Weapons

When India tested the nuclear weapons in Pokhran-II, the only country that congratulated us was France, when everyone else condemned it. Did any student of India’s Physics departments walk across the campus and ask the History Departments in their Universities what was unique about the French view on India? Did the Head of the Departments […]

Quantum Entanglement And The Indian Cavemen – S04

Quantum Entanglement

Did anyone of India’s theoretical physicists provide any input at all on the quantum entanglement theory and its role in both cracking the current Cryptographic Keys and in providing an in-theory-un-crackable key to the Aadhaar Project Managers? A Mathematical algorithm is used to calculate a number from the iris scan taken during the Aadhaar card […]

UIDAI Information Technologists Or Ill-Informed Monkeys? S02


Is the kind of complete negligence, carelessness and shabby-sloppiness exhibited by UIDAI to be the hallmark of Digital India? India is rumored to have made great strides in the field of Information Technology — or so we are told. While the public is treated to Big Words such as: “continuously updating security parameters” and “threats […]

India In Cognitive Dissonance Book

India in Cognitive Dissonance GGI Book

GreatGameIndia is happy to announce the publishing of a soon to be released book India in Cognitive Dissonance, an explosive hard-hitting myth-buster, a timely reminder for the decadent Indian society; a masterpiece on Indian geopolitics – India in Cognitive Dissonance Dedicated to our Teachers – who taught us about Matter, Space and Time – and […]

क्या भारत पर बायोलाजिकल वारफेयर का हमला है?

Read in English Is India Under Weaponized Biological Attack? बिल गेट्स, जो विश्व सूची में फोर्ब्स के सबसे अमीर व्यक्ति में सबसे ऊपर है, ने एक संभावित आपदा के बारे में एक गंभीर चेतावनी जर्मनी में आयोजित म्यूनिख सुरक्षा सम्मेलन में जारी की है जो 30 मिलियन लोगों को मार सकता है: “चाहे यह प्रकृति की […]