Tomato Flu On The Rise In Nepal

Tomato Flu On The Rise In Nepal

For the first time ever, dengue fever was followed by a tomato flu-like sickness in an adult in Nepal. Tomato flu is on the rise in Nepal.

Dr. Peter McCullough Discusses Potential For mRNA Vaccine Shedding

Dr. Peter McCullough Discusses Potential For mRNA Vaccine Shedding

One of the most common questions I am asked from the unvaccinated stems from concerns over “shedding.” Because the mRNA vaccines have been in development by the US Department of Defense DARPA since 2011, one would have expected that all of the necessary preclinical testing would have been completed before Operation Warp Speed was announced.

FTX Crypto Fraud Exposes Woke Capitalism As A Scam

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, which was, until last week, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency exchange, is today facing prison time for allegedly defrauding his customers of billions of dollars. Bankman-Fried, 30, donated to many progressive causes allied with the “effective altruism movement,” including pandemic prevention and response.

Demand For Unvaccinated Blood Soaring Worldwide

Demand for unvaccinated blood is surging worldwide. Bacteria, viruses, prions, and parasites can be transmitted by blood transfusions likewise people vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine have the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (read below) in their blood. The spike protein (travels the entire body) caused by the COVID-19 vaccination last for months (potentially permanently in the body for those who frequently take booster shots).

How Money From Bill Gates And FTX Bought Scientific Silence

How Money From Gates And FTX Bought Scientific Silence

Looking back, it’s utterly bizarre how the world of science could have gone so silent even as the world locked down and lives were shattered by the billions by governments the world over. The silence was deafening. We went from a March 2, 2020, letter signed by 800 public health experts associated with Yale University—which warned against quarantines and closures—to a strange disappearance of nearly all clear voices a few weeks later. And so things stood for the better part of two years.

Sam Bankman-Fried And The Pandemic Industrial Complex

Sam Bankman-Fried And The Pandemic Industrial Complex

The collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried and his fraudulent cryptocurrency empire at FTX is news at its most entertaining. Who doesn’t love the story of a bigshot billionaire revealed to be an outright fraud? It’s black-and-white. FTX owes billions in debt and doesn’t actually own a dime of the assets it claimed. Game over.

They Will Lock You Down Again

They Will Lock You Down Again

The lords of lockdown barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be. And let’s add the vaccine mandates here too: even if such had been morally justified, which they were not, there is absolutely no practical reason for them at all.

Can The Government Ban Bitcoin?

Many people believe that the government will shut down Bitcoin, but the chances of the government being able to ban it are low.

Actors Who Got Fired For Saying No To Vaccine

Actors Who Got Fired For Saying No To Vaccine

The COVID-19 pandemic was a difficult time for everyone. Businesses shut down, jobs were lost and even Hollywood was left scrambling as major productions were shut down or delayed until further notice. Eventually, a vaccine was introduced that was designed to combat the virus, but this new development seemed to only make matters worse. Particularly around Tinseltown.