Can The Government Ban Bitcoin?

Many people believe that the government will shut down Bitcoin, but the chances of the government being able to ban it are low.

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

The military, today, is not considered an important element of society by the public. Why should it? It represents bloodshed and fights that seem pointless and have caused society a lot of pain. Similarly, studying Bitcoin as a property defense system is a misunderstood part of this asset and one that is biased by our own beliefs. How are they connected? Because both use brute force and physical power to defend property.

Russia One Step Closer To Using Bitcoin In International Trade

Russia One Step Closer To Using Bitcoin Crypto In International Trade as Central Bank Finance Ministry Agree On Draft Bill

Russia is now one step closer to using Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, in international trade as Central Bank and the Finance Ministry agree on the draft bill. The two regulators have reached an agreement on a draft law declaring that, given the current economic climate, adopting bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is essential for international trade.

The Architecture Of The Metaverse

The Architecture Of The Metaverse

It is proposed that the metaverse creates virtual spaces where people from all over the world can meet and share their experiences. So far, this is the architecture of the metaverse.

Ethereum The Merge Transition To The Beacon Chain

Ethereum The Merge Transition To The Beacon Chain

An estimation on the blog of the Ethereum Foundation claims that the merger will reduce total energy consumption by at least 99.95%, but not everyone is convinced of the advantages. We are witnessing Ethereum and its merge transition to the beacon chain.