Everybody Wants To Hop On The BRICS Express

Everybody Wants To Hop On The BRICS Express

The US, in yet another trademark hysteria fit rife with irony, accused Tehran of weaponizing the Russian Armed Forces. For both Tehran and Moscow, the superstar, value-for-money, and terribly efficient drone let loose in the Ukrainian battlefield is a state secret: its deployment prompted a flurry of denials from both sides. Whether these are made in Iran drones, or the design was bought and manufacturing takes place in Russia (the realistic option), is immaterial.

Western Nations Speed Up Ukraine Arms Transfers To Prepare For Winter Warfare

Western Nations Speed Up Ukraine Arms Transfers To Prepare For Winter Warfare

The United States and its NATO allies are accelerating transfers of arms, warm clothing and anti-drone technology to Ukraine in preparation for months of bitter combat through the winter. Washington believes shoring up frontline forces before mud and ice set in will help Kiev to hold ground over the coming season. Speaking on condition of […]

Human Cyborgs Are Just The Beginning

Human Cyborgs Are Just The Beginning

Ever since I wrote the substack article on human augmentation and the UK Ministry of Defence and the German Military Complex, discussing that these two organizations advocate for human augmentation in a report entitled “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm”, I have been wondering if the US government, that is to say the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the Administrative State which controls it, has developed similar plans.

China Has Been Embedding Scientists At Los Alamos For Decades

China Has Been Embedding Scientists At Los Alamos For Decades

The Chinese strategy is to “capture” eminent US organizations and people, including lawmakers, top universities, sizable pension funds, social media, and Hollywood. Towards this end, China has been embedding scientists at Los Alamos for decades.

The Full $16Bn List Of What Biden Has Sent Ukraine

The Full $16Bn List Of What Biden Has Sent Ukraine

The U.S. military just told it’s own soldiers to use food stamps to keep their families fed during this ongoing period of high inflation, caused by the Biden regime’s own flawed economic analysis, coupled with the establishment’s COVID-19 lockdowns, and the war in Ukraine.