Saudi Arabia Makes Its Eurasian Shift

Saudi Arabia partnered with Russia, an OPEC+ partner, to cut oil production and hosted the first China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit, showing how it is making its Eurasian shift.

EU Pivots Away From Bidenism

Working out a deal with Xi is in their long-term best interests for the EU, so they are slowly pivoting away from Bidenism.

Katarzyna Kobro – Polish Sculptor

Katarzyna Kobro - Polish Sculptor

Katarzyna Kobro was a pioneering Polish sculptor who is best known for her contributions to the development of Constructivism, an avant-garde art movement that emerged in the early 20th century. Born in Moscow in 1898 to a Polish family, Kobro spent most of her life in Poland, where she created some of the most significant sculptures of her time. She studied art in Moscow, Kiev, and Paris before settling in Poland in 1928. Here’s everything you need to know about Katarzyna Kobro, the Polish sculptor.

NewsGuard Exposed – Contracts With DOD, WHO, Pfizer, Microsoft And AFT

NewsGuard Exposed Contracts With DOD WHO Pfizer Microsoft And AFT

NewsGuard is a self-appointed misinformation watchdog. It seems to be just one more way Americans are not allowed to think for themselves. Co-CEOs Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz claim it is the “librarian for the internet.” Set up specifically to rate online journalistic integrity, Brill states NewsGuard provides services that “explain to people something about the reliability and trustworthiness and background of those who are feeding them the news.” Eric Effron is the organization’s Editorial Director.

America’s Dirtiest Secrets

America’s Dirtiest Secrets

When I began doing my historical research in earnest perhaps 20 years ago in Shanghai, my interest was driven by primarily two things: one was the incessant American propaganda flooding the world, and particularly China, with an entirely unjustified air of moral superiority that masked all of the American crimes and atrocities committed over centuries. The second was the irritating flood of negative propaganda about China, filling the print and airwaves about China’s mostly imaginary inferiority to the exceptional Americans. From this, I intended to write a series of articles, and perhaps a book or two, that illuminated the opposite side of these two pictures. This is an oversimplification, but my research and writing interests were limited to an attempt to rectify the standard narrative of “China bad; US good”.