How Money From Bill Gates And FTX Bought Scientific Silence

How Money From Gates And FTX Bought Scientific Silence

Looking back, it’s utterly bizarre how the world of science could have gone so silent even as the world locked down and lives were shattered by the billions by governments the world over. The silence was deafening. We went from a March 2, 2020, letter signed by 800 public health experts associated with Yale University—which warned against quarantines and closures—to a strange disappearance of nearly all clear voices a few weeks later. And so things stood for the better part of two years.

They Will Lock You Down Again

They Will Lock You Down Again

The lords of lockdown barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be. And let’s add the vaccine mandates here too: even if such had been morally justified, which they were not, there is absolutely no practical reason for them at all.

Actors Who Got Fired For Saying No To Vaccine

Actors Who Got Fired For Saying No To Vaccine

The COVID-19 pandemic was a difficult time for everyone. Businesses shut down, jobs were lost and even Hollywood was left scrambling as major productions were shut down or delayed until further notice. Eventually, a vaccine was introduced that was designed to combat the virus, but this new development seemed to only make matters worse. Particularly around Tinseltown.

The Covid/Crypto Connection: The Grim Saga Of FTX And Sam Bankman-Fried

The Covid Crypto Connection The Grim Saga Of FTX And Sam Bankman-Fried

Aseries of revealing texts and tweets by Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced CEO of FTX, the once high-flying but now belly-up crypto exchange, had the following to say about his image as a do-gooder: it is a “dumb game we woke westerners play where we say all the right shibboleths and so everyone likes us.”

Meet The Consortium Imposing The Growing Censorship Regime

Meet The Consortium Imposing The Growing Censorship Regime

The rapid escalation of online censorship, and increasingly offline censorship, cannot be overstated. The silencing tactic that has most commonly provoked attention and debate is the banning of particular posts or individuals by specific social media platforms. But the censorship regime that has been developed, and which is now rapidly escalating, extends far beyond those relatively limited punishments.

Victoria Nuland’s Stealth Sanctions Against India

Victoria Nuland’s Stealth Sanctions Against India

The visa denial to Indians policy has become a form of collective punishment imposed in retaliation for India not following the Victoria Nuland way on S-400 or Ukraine, a path that is leading to trade disruptions, famine, unrest and a looming repeat of the Great Depression of the 1930s.