3 Different Types Of Inflation

3 Different Types Of Inflation

With increased access to money due to monetary inflation, companies and consumers may raise demand and drive up inflation across the board. As such a gloomy future loom over us, let’s take a look at the 3 different types of inflation.

Now Young People Are Dying In Their Sleep Regularly

Now Young People Are Dying In Their Sleep Regularly

The ink hadn’t even dried on my story on the death on June 12 of a healthy young teenager, 17-year-old Gwen Casten, who died in her sleep when I read this article about another high-profile vaccine-related death of a healthy 34-year-old who also apparently died in her sleep on Jun 20, 2022, just 8 days after Gwen Casten died.

The Great Reset: Turning Back The Clock On Civilization

The Great Reset Turning Back The Clock On Civilization

The covid-19 pandemic featured an unprecedented fusion of the interests of large and powerful corporations with the power of the state. Democratically elected politicians in many countries failed to represent the interests of their own citizens and uphold their own constitutions and charters of rights. Specifically, they supported lockdown measures, vaccine mandates, the suppression of a variety of early treatment options, the censorship of dissenting views, propaganda, interference in the private spheres of individuals, and the suspension of various forms of freedom. All of these policies and measures were centrally designed by the social engineers of the pandemic.

What The Ukraine War Will Achieve According To Putin

What The Ukraine War Will Achieve According To Putin

“The European Union has completely lost its political sovereignty, and its bureaucratic elites are dancing to someone else’s tune,” with comments like these, Putin was certain to grab the attention of the world. Here’s what the Ukraine war will achieve, according to Vladimir Putin.

Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Afew weeks back, at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Bill Gates said some surprising things. In the course of a 56-minute panel discussion the vaccine pusher extraordinaire admitted (starting at the 18:22 mark) that the Covid vaccines do not block infection and that the duration of whatever protection they bring to the table is extremely short.