How For 40 Years US Conducted Secret Medical Experiments On Americans

For 40 years the US conducted secret medical experiments on Americans. The goal was to “observe the natural history of untreated syphilis” in black populations, but the subjects were completely unaware and were instead told they were receiving treatment for bad blood when in fact, they received no treatment at all.

How Russian Intelligence Foiled CIA Military Coup & Assassination Of The President In Belarus

The Russian and Belarusian intelligence  have officially revealed how they foiled CIA backed color revolution and an attempted military coup to topple the Belarusian government as well as the assassination of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko himself. It was Lukashenko who last year exposed how the World Bank forced sovereign governments to impose strict lockdowns for coronavirus aid.

COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To British Eugenics Movement

COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To UK Eugenics Movement

The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust. Report by Jeremy Loffredo and Whitney Webb The Landmark COVID-19 Agreement On April 30th, AstraZeneca and Oxford University announced a “landmark agreement” for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agreement involves […]

More Spies In Australia Than At The Height Of Cold War

More Spies in Australia than at the height of Cold War

A foreign intelligence service sent a “sleeper” agent to Australia, who provided logistical support for visiting spies, the head of Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Mike Burgess, has revealed, in a speech pledging to intensify the fight against the threat posed by espionage and foreign interference. How NSO Group Sold Its First Pegasus License Black […]

How American Eugenics Movement Inspired Hitler

How American Eugenics Movement Inspired Hitler

The Nazis’ extermination program was carried out in the name of eugenics – but they were by no means the only advocates of racial purification. In this extract from his extraordinary book, Edwin Black describes how American Eugenics Movement inspired Hitler. These deadly theories were prevalent among the high circles of the British Empire from […]

Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Brought Down By British Secret Service

Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Brought Down By British Secret Service

A Ukranian whistleblower Former Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Prozorov of the Ukrainian Security Services has revealed with evidence from classified documents he attained through his own high-ranking position that the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 or MH-17 tragedy was orchestrated by British Secret Service with Ukrainian Security Service using the 156 Anti-Aircraft Regiment. Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 […]