Is AUKUS Weaponizing Drone Swarms Against China?

The British defense minister hinted that AUKUS, a trilateral security pact between Australia, the UK, and the US, may involve the weaponization of drone swarms against China. The AUKUS military alliance has placed special emphasis on swarm drone technologies in what appears to be an effort to gain the upper hand vis-a-vis China in the […]

UK Commits $1 Billion To Moderna mRNA Flu Vaccine

According to John Campbell, Ph.D., who reported on his YouTube show, the UK has committed $1 billion to the development of Moderna mRNA flu vaccine, despite the fact that the vaccine is still in very early clinical trials. The National Institutes of Health is running a Phase 1 clinical trial on an experimental mRNA universal influenza vaccine developed by […]

AI Is Unlocking The Human Brain’s Secrets

AI is challenging the conventional understanding of the human brain and unlocking its secrets, as demonstrated by the findings published in Nature Neuroscience. If you are willing to lie very still in a giant metal tube for 16 hours and let magnets blast your brain as you listen, rapt, to hit podcasts, a computer just […]

24 Chinese Hypersonic Missiles Will Sink Top U.S. Aircraft Carrier

A paper released in the Chinese-language Journal of Test and Measurement Technology claimed that 24 Chinese hypersonic missiles will sink a top U.S. aircraft carrier. Hypersonic weapons could be “catastrophic” for the most potent aircraft carrier group in the US fleet, according to war game simulations run by a team of military planners in China. Over […]

A Paralyzed Man Can Walk Naturally Again With Brain And Spine Implants

Researchers in Switzerland have revealed in a study published in the journal Nature that a paralyzed man named Gert-Jan Oskam can walk naturally again with brain and spine implants. “For 12 years I’ve been trying to get back my feet,” Mr. Oskam said in a press briefing on Tuesday. “Now I have learned how to […]

If US Defaults On Its Debt, What Happens To World Economy

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said that if the US defaults on its debt, no corner of the global economy will be spared. If the debt crisis roiling Washington were eventually to send the United States crashing into recession, America’s economy would hardly sink alone. The repercussions of a first-ever default on the […]

Did Scientists Accidentally Invent An Anti-Addiction Drug?

Scientists accidentally invent an anti-addiction drug. Christian Hendershot, a psychiatrist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, said that Semaglutide and its chemical relatives seem to work, at least in animals, against an unusually broad array of addictive drugs. All her life, Victoria Rutledge thought of herself as someone with […]

El Nino Could Wipe Out $3 Trillion Of World Economy

A new study published in the journal Science has warned that El Nino could wipe out $3 trillion of the world’s economy. El Nino is on the horizon, which can lead to severe heat waves and droughts in many countries, including India, and could take a $3 trillion toll on the global economy, new research […]