Scientists Are Growing Genetically Modified Tomatoes As Edible Coronavirus Vaccine

GMO Tomatoes Coronavirus Vaccine

After AI robots for enforcing mandatory face mask rules and vaccination history based digital identity, now scientists in Mexico are growing genetically modified tomatoes as edible coronavirus vaccine. A research group at a Mexican university is using bioinformatics and computational genetic engineering to identify candidate antigens for a vaccine that can be expressed in tomato […]

INVESTIGATION DOCS: Chinese Scientist Smuggled Deadly Viruses From Canadian Lab To Wuhan Institute Of Virology

INVESTIGATION DOCS Chinese Scientist Smuggled Deadly Viruses From Canadian Lab To Wuhan Institute Of Virology

Newly unclassified documents confirm that Chinese scientists smuggled deadly viruses from Canadian lab to Wuhan Institute of Virology. When GreatGameIndia first published the report in January, regarding this biological espionage at Canadian lab, it was viciously attacked by a section of mainstream media. The shipment was sent just months before the Coronavirus outbreak by Chinese […]

Gita Ramjee – HIV Scientist Dies Of Coronavirus

Gita Ramjee - HIV Scientist Dies Of Coronavirus

Adding to a growing list of Coronavirus related deaths of researchers and scientists, Gita Ramjee, an HIV scientist died of Coronavirus. Ramjee was in London to deliver a lecture in March. On her return to South Africa she felt unwell and was hospitalised. She died from complications relating to COVID-19. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole […]

SS Vasan – Indian Scientist Behind Coronavirus Vaccine

SS Vasan Indian Scientist Behind Coronavirus Vaccine

A team led by an Indian-origin scientist in Australia SS Vasan has grown the first batch of the virus in a laboratory to create a vaccine against the deadly novel coronavirus (nCov), which has claimed more than 600 lives in China and infected 30,000 others. BOMBSHELL: How Coronavirus leaked from Wuhan Laboratory GGI IMPACT: White House to […]

Frank Plummer – Canadian Scientist Key To Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated In Africa?

Frank Plummer Winnipeg Lab Scientist Working On Coronavirus Assassinated

In a very strage turn of events, renowned scientist Frank Plummer who received Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample and was working on Coronavirus (HIV) vaccine in the Winnipeg based Canadian lab from where the virus was smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents and weaponized as revealed in GreatGameIndia investigation, has died in mysterious conditions. Frank Plummer was the […]

Indian Scientists Discover Coronavirus Engineered With HIV (AIDS) Like Insertions

Indian Scientists Discover Coronavirus Engineered With AIDS Like Insertions

A group of Indian scientists have discovered that Wuhan Coronavirus has been engineered with AIDS like insertions. The study concludes that it is unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertions naturally in a short duration of time. Meanwhile, China has started using AIDS drug for Coronavirus treatment. Dear @GreatGameIndia It appears that […]

ISRO Scientist Assassinated In Hyderabad

ISRO Scientist Assassinated in Hyderabad

An ISRO scientist was recently found assassinated in Hyderabad. A native of Kerala, the scientist had been living in Hyderabad for 20 years. His wife was also working in the city but was transferred to Chennai in 2005. Their son is settled in the US, while the daughter lives in New Delhi. ISRO Scientist Assassinated […]