How To Delete Yourself From The Internet

Stephen B. Wicker, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Cornell University, said that deleting data about yourself from the internet is a matter of personal preference, and how to do that is given below.

White House Targets Cryptocurrencies, Calls For Stronger Enforcement By Regulators

A blog post was co-written by national security adviser Jake Sullivan, director of the National Economic Council Brian Deese, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Arati Prabhakar, and chair of the Council of Economic Advisors Cecilia Rouse on the official White House website targets cryptocurrencies and calls for stronger enforcement by regulators.

Cryptoqueen Appears After 5 Years Of Hiding

Cryptoqueen Appears After 5 Years Of Hiding

The FBI had suspicions that cryptoqueen may have used a German passport to travel from Athens to the UAE, Germany, Russia, Eastern Europe, or perhaps back to Bulgaria. Now, cryptoqueen is appearing after 5 years of hiding.

What Happens To Vaccine Clinical Trial Participants?

What Happens To Vaccine Clinical Trial Participants

This essay was written by a physician colleague of mine, whose opinion I value greatly. The research, views and opinions are his own, not mine. I write this because he is covering a very sensitive topic. If one doesn’t tread very carefully, this is a topic that could put a scientist or a physician on a DHS terrorism watch list, or on the list of the President’s “dirty dozen.” Censoring people, and labeling scientists and physicians as terrorists because they have a different scientific opinion than the official HHS public health/industrial complex opinion is now a “thing.”

Destroying American Democracy – An Inside Job

Destroying American Democracy - An Inside Job

Over the last few years, there has been much written about the destruction of American democracy. Frequently the threat has been of alleged interference in U.S. elections by Russia, China or other state actors. Government agencies, the name of election integrity, were assigned to identify and disrupt these foreign intrusions. As more and more information is revealed about these agencies, it seems that America’s Intelligence Community participated in these activities domestically, and in a way that poses a grave threat to both election integrity and American democracy.

Behind The Assassinations Of Crypto Billionaires

Due to the mysterious deaths of the four cryptocurrency billionaires who passed away within a month, the crypto world has come up with conspiracies, with one claiming they were assassinations.

As Lula Becomes Brazil’s President, Bolsonaro Flees to Florida

As Lula Becomes Brazil’s President Bolsonaro Flees to Florida

Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right former president of Brazil, has fled to Florida for at least a month following his defeat in the presidential election in October. He faces several investigations related to his time in office and has suggested that he is the victim of political persecution by Brazil’s left and Supreme Court. As Lula becomes Brazil’s president, Bolsonaro has fled to Florida.