The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks In Russian Territory

The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks In Russian Territory

According to investigative journalist Jack Murphy, attacks are being carried out by the intelligence service of an undisclosed European NATO nation. The one behind the attacks, however, is the CIA who are directing sabotage attacks in Russian territory.

Disinformation, Censorship, And Information Warfare In The 21st Century

Disinformation Censorship And Information Warfare In The 21st Century

In recent years, prominent national security officials and media outlets have raised alarm about the unprecedented effects of foreign disinformation in democratic countries. In practice, what they mean is that democratic governments have fallen behind in their command of the methods of information warfare in the early 21st century. As outlined herein, while information warfare is a real and serious issue facing democratic governments in the 21st century, the war on disinformation, as currently practiced, has backfired spectacularly and done far more harm than good, as evidenced most clearly by the response to COVID-19.

The Emperor Has No Brain

The Emperor Has No Brain

I normally feel great sympathy for any person battling the terrible disease of dementia. However, in the case of President Biden, who the whole world knows is battling this affliction, the sentiment I feel is closer to disgust.

Big Tech Isn’t Woke. It’s Totalitarian.

Big Tech Isn’t Woke It’s Totalitarian

In the mid-18th century, a secretive political group began spreading dangerous conspiracy theories throughout Britain’s colonies. British subjects had long enjoyed the freedom of expression, but these radicals abused novel communication platforms to churn out seditious literature not often grounded in fact (read below), even resorting to threats and violence that endangered those around them.

127e Program – How Pentagon Wage Secret Proxy Wars

127e Program How Pentagon Wage Secret Proxy Wars

One of numerous mostly unheard-of powers that US Congress has granted to the Defense Department over the past 20 years allows American commandos to undertake operations on the periphery of conflict with little external supervision. This is the history of the 127e Program and how the Pentagon wages secret proxy wars.

Russia Claims US Tested Experimental Drugs On Ukrainian Soldiers

Although Ukraine wasn’t the first nation to be utilized for US military-backed pharmaceutical studies, it certainly is the most prominent in the current geopolitical scenario. Documents regarding the activities of such labs have been made public by Russia claiming that the US tested experimental drugs on Ukrainian soldiers.