Meet The Consortium Imposing The Growing Censorship Regime

Meet The Consortium Imposing The Growing Censorship Regime

The rapid escalation of online censorship, and increasingly offline censorship, cannot be overstated. The silencing tactic that has most commonly provoked attention and debate is the banning of particular posts or individuals by specific social media platforms. But the censorship regime that has been developed, and which is now rapidly escalating, extends far beyond those relatively limited punishments.

Putin’s Final Warning To The West For Blowing Up Nord Stream Pipelines And Crimean Bridge

Putin’s Final Warning To The West For Blowing Up Nord Stream Pipelines And Crimean Bridge

One of the major events in the energy industry, which has recently grown much more important on the European continent and around the world than the financial and military sectors put together, is being held in Moscow this week. It is known as ” Russian Energy Week ” The schedule is customarily jam-packed with conferences, talks, and meetings at the highest and ministerial levels, but it is unlikely to be untrue to suggest that Vladimir Putin, who customarily addresses the attendees with a welcome speech, set the major leitmotif and vector of REW. This particular statement proved to be particularly strict, precise, and unforgiving of ambiguous interpretation.

The Rise Of The Global South And The Foundation Of A New Currency System

The Rise Of The Global South And The Foundation Of A New Currency System

You may recall that Russia has been cut off from the SWIFT system. Now if you’re a consumer of Western legacy media, you’d likely not have heard a word on it, but the fact is that Russia was largely prepared for this and has already developed and is now using the SPFS the Russian equivalent of SWIFT, developed by the Central Bank of Russia since 2014.

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

The military, today, is not considered an important element of society by the public. Why should it? It represents bloodshed and fights that seem pointless and have caused society a lot of pain. Similarly, studying Bitcoin as a property defense system is a misunderstood part of this asset and one that is biased by our own beliefs. How are they connected? Because both use brute force and physical power to defend property.

Vladimir Putin’s Battle Cry Against The Deep State

Vladimir Putin’s Battle Cry Against The Deep State

The recent ceremony of accession of four Ukrainian regions to Russia brought a speech from President Putin that outlined the reasons behind Russia’s current struggles, the character and identify of its foes and, more importantly, laid the groundwork for Russia’s next level of confrontation with the West beyond the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. In his speech, Putin clearly defined the present fight as a worldwide battle in which Russia plays a leading role against the Deep State that ultimately runs the West and which uses all available tools – including military, economic, cultural, and social – in its attempt to preserve unipolar world domination.

1354 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 922 Of Them Dead, Since COVID Vaccine

1354 Athlete Cardiac Arrests Serious Issues 922 Of Them Dead Since COVID Injection

It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

Big Tech’s War On Freedom

Big Tech's War On Freedom

The 1998 movie Enemy of the State starring Gene Hackman and Will Smith seemed like fiction at the time. Why I didn’t regard that movie – which still holds up in nearly every detail – as a warning I do not know. It pulls back the curtain on the close working relationship between national security agencies and the communications industry – spying, censorship, blackmailing, and worse. Today, it seems not just a warning but a description of reality.