The Plot To Throw Donald Trump Into Iraqi Prison

The plot to throw Donald Trump into Iraqi prisons grows stronger as Supreme Judicial Council President Faiq Zidan, who issued an arrest warrant, is invited by the Department of Justice. According to the U.S. government, the Department of Justice (DOJ) planned to extend a warm welcome to an Iraqi judge who issued an arrest warrant […]

Why ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’ Is More Than A Catchphrase

According to recent studies and polls like the Trafalgar poll, ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’ might become more than a catchphrase, as almost 80% of people across all political spectrums indicated they were more likely to conduct business with an organization that maintained its political neutrality. Growing evidence indicates that businesses supporting awakened capitalism typically alienate […]

Battle Of Lepanto – The Holy League & The Takeover Of Europe

On October 7, 1571, the Ottoman Empire and a Christian alliance known as The Holy League engaged in battle at Lepanto. Before the advent of the age of sail, it was the final significant battle between navies employing oar-powered ships. It is significant because it demonstrated to Europe that the Ottomans could be vanquished and […]

What Was Young Stalin Like?

The article below offers a glimpse into the early life of Stalin, shedding light on his character and experiences before he assumed leadership of the Soviet Union in 1924 and remained in power until his passing in 1953. Joseph Stalin’s early life spans the years from his birth on December 18, 1878 (or December 6, […]

Most Sought-After Entry Level Jobs In 2023

The article shows the most sought-after entry-level jobs in 2023 using data from Being on top of the latest trends is essential in the quick-paced world of job searching. The pressure is increased if you are an entry-level job seeker. Today’s newcomers to any employment market compete with their colleagues as well as ground-breaking […]

Who Owns The Most Satellites?

Using data from the Union of Concerned Scientists, the article below reveals who owns the most satellites. The Earth is orbited by about 7,000 satellites that provide critical tasks including communication, navigation, and scientific research. More than 150 launches of new instruments into space were made in 2022 alone, and many more are anticipated during […]

How A CIA Front EcoHealth Alliance Was Involved In Creation Of Coronavirus

In a recent post on X, former EcoHealth Alliance scientist Andrew Huff revealed how the CIA Front EcoHealth Alliance was involved in the creation of coronavirus. It’s important to review claims made by former EcoHealth Alliance scientist Andrew Huff about the CIA’s alleged ties to EcoHealth and COVID-19 in light of Tuesday night’s shocking report […]

US Taxpayers Funding Designer Knitwear Company in Ukraine

According to the German-registered nonprofit “Transparency International,” money from US taxpayers is being used to fund a designer knitwear company in Ukraine. According to a US investigation, American taxpayers’ hard-earned money is allegedly financing small companies in Ukraine, including a designer knitwear company, as the US continues to pump enormous sums of money into supporting […]