Untold Political Campaign Tools Of The US

Untold Political Campaign Tools Of The US Social Media COVID-19 Mask

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the U.S. government has been using the anti-epidemic measures as bargaining chips. The America First Legal Foundation (AFL) found out that the government has used social media and NGOs to monitor public opinion, changed public health policy without scientific evidence. As a result, the US leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases, and its citizens are at high risk of infection.

January 6 Trials Remind Us Why We Must Abolish Seditious Conspiracy Laws

January 6 Trials Remind Us Why We Must Abolish Seditious Conspiracy Laws

On Tuesday, a District of Columbia jury convicted Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs of seditious conspiracy in relation to the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol. Three other defendants were acquitted of seditious conspiracy but convicted of other felonies. Convictions of seditious conspiracy represent a political victory—not just a legal one—for those who have long insisted that the January 6 riot was no mere riot, but an organized armed rebellion of some sort. This claim has been key in the administration’s ongoing vague claim that “democracy”—however defined—is somehow “at risk.”

5 CIA Chiefs Meddled In 2020 US Election

5 CIA Chiefs Meddled In 2020 Election

An important story developed this weekend, unspooling in real time on Twitter over a Friday evening. Basically, billionaire Elon Musk gave a good friend of mine — the journalist Matt Taibbi — extensive access to Twitter’s internal e-mails and communications, and told Taibbi he could start sharing.

Digital Bomber – Backbone Of The Future For US Air Power

Digital Bomber Backbone Of The Future For US Air Power

At least six of these new bombers are currently undergoing testing and final assembly at the Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Palmdale facility. The digital bomber – backbone of the future for US air power is set to be unveiled on Friday.

BBC Is Trying To Kill The Blockbuster Film ‘Died Suddenly’ About Vaccines Killing People

BBC Is Trying To Kill The Blockbuster Film Died Suddenly About Vaccines Killing People

First, if you have not yet seen Died Suddenly, the killer documentary that dropped two days ago, I urge you to watch it as soon as you can—it’s a little over an hour—and share it far and wide. Although it makes some trivial mistakes, it is a very solid piece of work—as sound as it is harrowing, and that’s really saying something; so all those who appreciate my weekly Substacks on the toll of the “vaccines” will also very much appreciate this film, and learn a lot from it (as I did):

The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust: Joseph Ladapo

The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust Joseph Ladapo

If you are like me, you are exhausted of the lies. Every day seems to bring new revelations about how our lives came to be upended. The connections are becoming clearer between the pandemic response and the growing economic crisis, the ballooning debt, the growth of the surveillance state, the corruption and scams, chilling absence of integrity in public life, and, with the failure of FTX, the way in which an outright financial scam was integral to the calamity.