Does The East India Company Still Exist?

This excerpt from our exclusive East India Company Series article titled Noble Motives focuses on the puzzle of the disappearance of the EICs and their reemergence as modern day MNCs (Multi National Corporations). The East India Company (the “Company“) was one of the institutions created as a product of the Venetian Merchants takeover of England’s commerce. In England it was […]

How Tata Fooled India & Bailed Out Jaguar With Indian Taxpayers Money?

The following excerpt from the Who Benefits From FDI – India Or Collapsing Western European Economies? from the Foreign Countries Dictating India Series focuses on the background of India Inc. and its role as an intermediary between Government of India and bankrupt Western/European economies in rolling out FDI into India. As a case study it also demonstrates how Tata […]

Was The 2G Spectrum Auction System Rigged?

#RelianceJioScam – Was The Spectrum Auction System Rigged? Let’s say the Government of India wants to utilise its spectrum resources (which is a national resource belonging to the people of India) for development purposes. Ideally this is done by state owned telecommunications companies for various reasons, the major being that of national security. If the […]

What Has A Secret Account In Rothschild Bank To Do With The Kingfisher Deal?

Few months back we reported how a business baron who owed banks thousands of crores of rupees could leave the country as a defaulter in spite of court proceedings under way, a consortium of 17 banks asking for his passport to be impounded, and former Kingfisher employees demanding their salaries pending for months? More importantly, […]

Rothschild Inside, Garbage Outside

Since almost 9 years the IT giant Intel has dodged paying tax to the Bruhar Bengaluru Mahanagar Palike (BBMP). Now the BBMP has come up with a novel Intel Inside Garbage Outside tactic to make the company cough up the tax it owes to the government. As reported by India Today, The BBMP said that […]

Vijay Mallya And The Sanctuary Of Oligarchs

Vijay Mallya

How was Vijay Mallya allowed to leave India? How does a business baron who owes banks thousands of crores of rupees get to leave the country as a defaulter in spite of court proceedings under way; a consortium of 17 banks asking for his passport to be impounded, and former Kingfisher employees demanding their salaries […]

Quarterly Geopolitical Analysis Jan-Mar 2016

In the last two months two seemingly innocent and unnoticed events happened within the borders of the subcontinent with far reaching political and geopolitical implications. The first of the two events was the acceptance for first time by the Prime Minister of India regarding the Russian captivity of Subhash Chandra Bose post 1945. Along with […]

Should State Owned Indian Banks Be Privatised?

While the entire nation was busy talking about the #JNUrow in the ongoing debate on tolerance, a very important development with major consequences to everyone in the country has seemingly gone unnoticed. US based bond rating company Moody’s Investor Service cautioned the Indian government that if it did not boost the capital levels of PSUs […]

FDI Series Part II: Evolution Of Western FDI In Retail

In the first part of this FDI Series we saw how after the collapse of the US economy in 2008, the Dubai Economic Miracle experiment was hatched to get rid of the Dubai FLU via Foreign Direct Investment in India routed through the tax-havens; whereby the Nathan Mayer Rothschild Group was able to suck money […]

FDI Series – Part I Foreign Countries Dictating India


A bizarre Saga of bankrupt western economies and their multinational business houses’ incredulous and laughable economic plan to Develop Indian Retail sector at the expense of their economics with non existing FDI from their phony FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors) Operation Mountbatten – Reoccupation of Whole of India in 60 years for 51% of Indian land […]