Is China Meddling In U.S. Elections

Is China Meddling In US Elections

Although, the American technology company, which was founded in 2002, is used by the U.S. Department of Defense and ‘thousands of election offices across North America’, Konnech Inc., previously built a ‘communication platform’ called for the Confucius Institute.

WEF Wants To Microchip Your Kids

WEF Wants To Microchip Your Kids

Implanted chips are going to be promoted as a fashionable status symbol by mainstream society and influencers. This is how the WEF wants to microchip your kids.

Do You Know How Many People Have Been Killed Worldwide By Their Governments From The COVID Shots?

Do You Know How Many People Have Been Killed Worldwide By Their Governments From The COVID Shots

A more conservative number is to divide the number of doses by 2,500. This is the number Mathew Crawford estimated from global data: 411 deaths per Million doses. Earlier, I offered a $1M reward to anyone who found a significant error in his work. No takers. This is documented on my Substack and in my Twitter stream, but of course everything I tweeted was deleted by Twitter as being unsafe. A free $1M no strings attached. Nobody accepted.

WEF’s “Global Intelligence Collecting AI” To Erase Ideas From The Internet

WEF's Global Intelligence Collecting AI To Erase Ideas From The Internet

The World Economic Forum is becoming a little concerned. Unapproved opinions are becoming more popular, and online censors cannot keep up with millions of people becoming more aware and more vocal. The censorship engines employed by Internet platforms, turned out to be quite stupid and incapable. People are even daring to complain about the World Economic Forum, which is obviously completely unacceptable.

Apple Demands Taiwan Suppliers Use ‘Made In China’ Labels

Apple Demands Taiwan Suppliers Use Made In China Labels

Apple’s latest approach has already drawn criticism because the business does not support suppliers that see Taiwan as an independent nation. The outrage was in reaction to Apple’s demands that Taiwan suppliers use the ‘Made in China’ labels.

“Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma And Vaccines”

Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma And Vaccines

The American Conservative (TAC at Hillsdale College in DC) recently hosted a panel discussion featuring Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Peter McCullough on “Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma and Vaccines.”