How Joe Rogan Sank CNN Over Ivermectin To Treat COVID

How Joe Rogan Sank CNN Over Ivermectin To Treat COVID

I started out 2022 by predicting that the mainstream media was in the midst of losing the fight of its life at the hands of popular podcaster and comedian Joe Rogan. I then discussed the topic and my reasoning for an hour on a podcast with independent journalist Ivory Hecker.

Excess Mortality Rates Are Soaring Around The World: To What Extent Is The COVID Vaccine Responsible?

Excess Mortality Rates Are Soaring Around The World To What Extent Is The COVID Vaccine Responsible

We have previously pointed to official data in 2021 that shows a temporal association between the apparent rises in ‘excess mortality’ among different age groups and the time each was exposed to COVID-19 ‘genetic vaccines’ (here and here). These data were in plain sight in the public domain, being based on official data from the nearly 30 mainly European countries carried on the euroMOMO portal.

Big Tech’s War On Freedom

Big Tech's War On Freedom

The 1998 movie Enemy of the State starring Gene Hackman and Will Smith seemed like fiction at the time. Why I didn’t regard that movie – which still holds up in nearly every detail – as a warning I do not know. It pulls back the curtain on the close working relationship between national security agencies and the communications industry – spying, censorship, blackmailing, and worse. Today, it seems not just a warning but a description of reality.

Why So Many Cling To Covid Panic

Why So Many Cling To Covid Panic

When I was 10, I had a 12-year-old sister, Denise, and two brothers. Lenny was 14 and Danny was 5. We boys slept in the same room in a small, single-story house in a modest, riverside neighborhood known as Pleasureland.

How Google Rigged The 2020 Election

How Google Rigged The 2020 Election

In August of 2019, Senior Google engineer, Zachary Vorhies leaked 950 pages of internal documents providing evidence of Google’s use of blacklist, censorship, and machine learning algorithms to rig the 2020 election.

Why The World Economic Forum’s Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

Why The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

A previous essay highlighted the serious threats posed by the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” to individual liberty, human innovation, and general prosperity. It is important to expand discussion of these threats by examining the inherent dangers to free nations when so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of so few.

The Full $16Bn List Of What Biden Has Sent Ukraine

The Full $16Bn List Of What Biden Has Sent Ukraine

The U.S. military just told it’s own soldiers to use food stamps to keep their families fed during this ongoing period of high inflation, caused by the Biden regime’s own flawed economic analysis, coupled with the establishment’s COVID-19 lockdowns, and the war in Ukraine.