बिल गेट्स के भारतीय एजेंडा का पर्दाफाश

बिल गेट्स के भारतीय एजेंडा का पर्दाफाश

पूर्व अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति John F. Kennedy के भतीजे Robert Kenndey Jr. ने भारत में बिल गेट्स के एजेंडे और उनके “टीकों के प्रति जुनून” को उजागर किया है। दिलचस्प बात यह है कि, ग्रेटगेमइंडिया के पाठकों को याद होगा कि, Jr. Kennedy का यह संदेश Robert Kennedy की पोती और उनके बेटे के संदिग्ध परिस्थितियों […]

The History Of Hydroxychloroquine In India

The History Of Hydroxychloroquine In India

​As most of us are already aware, Hydroxychloroquine has already taken the world by storm as a treatment against COVID-19. Every newspaper is talking about it, and all countries are requesting India to supply it. Now, a curious person might wonder why and how this chemical composition is so deeply entrenched in India, and is […]

Bill Gates Activities In India Exposed By Robert Kennedy Jr

Bill Gates Agenda In India Exposed By Robert Kennedy Jr

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former American President John F. Kennedy, in a lengthy piece exposed Bill Gates activities in India and his “obsession with vaccines”. Interestingly, as GreatGameIndia readers may recall, Jr Kennedy’s message come days after Robert Kennedy’s grand-daughter and her son were found dead in suspicious circumstances. Almost as if […]

कोरोनावायरस का सशस्त्रीकरण – चीन की गुप्त योजना

कोरोनावायरस का सशस्त्रीकरण - चीन की गुप्त योजना

लगभग दो दशक पहले उच्च-स्तरीय कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी कैडर को दिए गए एक गुप्त भाषण में चीनी रक्षा मंत्री जनरल Chi Haotian ने चीनी राष्ट्रीय पुनर्जागरण सुनिश्चित करने की दूरद्रिष्टि-योजना के बारे में बताया था। एक्सक्लूसिव रिपोर्ट: क्या कोरोना वायरस एक जैविक हथियार है एक्सक्लूसिव इंटरव्यू देखिए: जैवयुद्ध विशेषज्ञ डॉ फ्रांसिस बॉयल – कोरोनावायरस एक जैविक युद्ध हथियार […]

Secret American Experiments Tied To Chinese Animal Markets

Secret American Experiments Tied To Chinese Animal Markets

The United States has been one of the worst-hit countries in the wake of coronavirus pandemic. After the source of the virus was traced to the wet markets of Wuhan (China), the voices calling for a worldwide ban have grown louder. But do you know that secret experiments conducted by America are directly tied to […]

कोरोनवायरस की उत्पत्ति पर विशेष डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म

कोरोनवायरस की उत्पत्ति पर विशेष डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म

The Epoch Times और NTD TV (चीन का सबसे बड़ा टीवी नेटवर्क) नें कोरोनावायरस की उत्पत्ति पर एक विशेष डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म बनाई है। जिसे खोजी पत्रकार Joshua Philipp ने, जनवरी से अप्रैल के बीच फैली वैश्विक महामारी के बारे में दिखाया है। Joshua Philipp नें इस डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म के माध्यम से COVID-19 के फैलनें के […]

Gilead Sciences – The Coronavirus Vaccine Manufacturer Accused Of Bioterrorism

Gilead Sciences - A Vaccine Manufacturer Accused Of Bioterrorism

Gilead Sciences is an American biotechnology company holding the patent for drug Remdesivir for treating various Coronavirus in over 70 countries. The company has secured orphan drug status for Remdesivir, allowing it to exclusively obtain marketing revenues for up to 7 years. However, behind the benign image of a vaccine manufacturer, Gilead Science has a […]

Exclusive Documentary On The Origin Of Coronavirus

Exclusive Documentary On The Origin Of Coronavirus

In an exclusive new documentary on the origin of Coronavirus presented by The Epoch Times and NTD, investigative reporter Joshua Philipp takes an in-depth look at the progression of the pandemic from January to April and leads us on a journey of discovery to bring the truth behind the matter to light. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How […]

How Californian Experience Can Defeat The Coronavirus Vaccine Lobby

How Californian Experience Can Defeat The Coronavirus Vaccine Lobby

A new study is investigating the possibility of California to have already developed herd-immunity to the Coronavirus. If the case is proven, the study would be a breakthrough in breaking the worldwide lockdown. With billions of dollars invested in this deadlock, here is how the Californian experience can defeat the vaccine lobby. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How […]

Who Is Contaminating Coronavirus Testing Kits

Who Is Contaminating Coronavirus Testing Kits

In a most shocking development, several countries have reported that testing kits, protective equipment and medical devices sent to them to combat COVID-19 were itself found to be contaminated with Coronavirus. Meanwhile, in the US the lab authorized to make coronavirus testing kits itself was found to be contaminated with coronavirus. As secret services have […]