Our Galaxy Could Be Evaporating As Dead Stars Flee The Milky Way

A recent study in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has come up with a model that could locate stellar relics like stellar black holes even though we haven’t detected enough of them to produce an observed map of their general location. They also said that our Galaxy could be evaporating as they try to flee the Milky Way.

The Rise Of The Global South And The Foundation Of A New Currency System

The Rise Of The Global South And The Foundation Of A New Currency System

You may recall that Russia has been cut off from the SWIFT system. Now if you’re a consumer of Western legacy media, you’d likely not have heard a word on it, but the fact is that Russia was largely prepared for this and has already developed and is now using the SPFS the Russian equivalent of SWIFT, developed by the Central Bank of Russia since 2014.

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

The military, today, is not considered an important element of society by the public. Why should it? It represents bloodshed and fights that seem pointless and have caused society a lot of pain. Similarly, studying Bitcoin as a property defense system is a misunderstood part of this asset and one that is biased by our own beliefs. How are they connected? Because both use brute force and physical power to defend property.

Vladimir Putin’s Battle Cry Against The Deep State

Vladimir Putin’s Battle Cry Against The Deep State

The recent ceremony of accession of four Ukrainian regions to Russia brought a speech from President Putin that outlined the reasons behind Russia’s current struggles, the character and identify of its foes and, more importantly, laid the groundwork for Russia’s next level of confrontation with the West beyond the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. In his speech, Putin clearly defined the present fight as a worldwide battle in which Russia plays a leading role against the Deep State that ultimately runs the West and which uses all available tools – including military, economic, cultural, and social – in its attempt to preserve unipolar world domination.

How Gates & Clinton Foundations Advance China’s Role In Developing World

How Gates & Clinton Foundations Advance China’s Role In Developing World

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given almost $58 million to the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI) over the last thirteen years. Most recently, in September 2022, the Gates Foundation committed $560,021.00 to the Clinton Health Initiative “to leverage manufacturing capabilities in China to increase supply security and enhance the supply of key health commodities in low- and middle-income countries.” In other words, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative are collaborating to make developing countries depend on communist China for healthcare and medical products. And they’ve been doing so for years.

Here’s Elon Musk’s Plan For Twitter

Elon Musk’s Twitter-linked text conversations, which were made publicly available as part of the Twitter lawsuit’s legal disclosure, show his plan for Twitter.

Human Cyborgs Are Just The Beginning

Human Cyborgs Are Just The Beginning

Ever since I wrote the substack article on human augmentation and the UK Ministry of Defence and the German Military Complex, discussing that these two organizations advocate for human augmentation in a report entitled “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm”, I have been wondering if the US government, that is to say the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the Administrative State which controls it, has developed similar plans.