The World Won’t Be the Same: How Coronavirus Changed Our Lives

The rapidly spreading coronavirus infection in the spring of 2020 forced all countries to take unprecedented action. Self-isolation and travel restrictions were accompanied by alarming news of increasing numbers of cases and difficult-to-treat symptoms of the virus. This forced people to pay more attention to their health and hygiene. Today it is safe to say […]

The Great Reset Of Our Timeline – Before Coronavirus & After Coronavirus

Almost 1,496 years ago, a monk named Dionysius Exiguus divided the universal time to designate years based on a year Jesus was born — the “A.D.” and “B.C.” system. Now, a similar Great Reset of our timeline is being attempted with COVID-19 as a marker – the BC & AC system (ie. Before Coronavirus and After Coronavirus).

Canadian Parliament Erupt Over Cover Up Of Chinese Spies Stealing Coronavirus From Winnipeg Lab To Wuhan

Recently, the Canadian parliament erupted over a heated debate regarding the cover-up of Chinese spies stealing coronavirus from the Winnipeg based BSL-4 lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Chinese espionage story was first reported by GreatGameIndia in Jan, 2020, for which we are being actively targeted by the NATO’s war propaganda arm – the Atlantic Council. The president of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has been given until the end of the week to explain why two Canadian government scientists were let go 18 months after being escorted from Canada’s only Level 4 laboratory.

Swedish Professor Forced To Quit Research After He Finds Coronavirus Not A Threat To Children

A Swedish epidemiology professor was forced to quit his research on coronavirus as he faced radical backlash on his findings that the disease doesn’t possess a huge threat to children. The professor also found that children were not using masks, while the other Swedish residents were simply encouraged to exercise social distancing. The findings directly undermines the political opinion on not to reopen the schools.