NOPEC Bill Won’t Bring Oil Prices Down

NOPEC Bill Won’t Bring Oil Prices Down

“Nobody f*cks with a Biden,” said the U.S. president, and the oil ministers of the member countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+) replied, “Hold my beer.” OPEC+ then proceeded to approve production cuts of 2 million barrels per day, despite a full court press by the administration in the weeks leading up to the decision, and raised the price of oil for the U.S., lowered it for Europe, and left it unchanged for Asia. According to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, “the President is disappointed by the shortsighted decision by OPEC+ to cut production quotas” and “the Biden Administration will also consult with Congress on additional tools and authorities to reduce OPEC+’s control over energy prices,” neglecting to mention that Biden administration decisions to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and to stop issuing new oil and gas leases on public lands gave OPEC+ the upper hand.

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

How Nation-States Will Use Bitcoin In The Power Projection Game

The military, today, is not considered an important element of society by the public. Why should it? It represents bloodshed and fights that seem pointless and have caused society a lot of pain. Similarly, studying Bitcoin as a property defense system is a misunderstood part of this asset and one that is biased by our own beliefs. How are they connected? Because both use brute force and physical power to defend property.

The Making of Saudi Inc.

The Making of Saudi Inc

The PIF has already founded 54 new businesses, spanning industries like real estate and luxury cruises, with an investment goal of at least $40 billion a year in Saudi Arabia. This is the story of the making of Saudi Inc.

Gold Backed Ruble Is The New Paradigm Shift For Global Economy

Gold Backed Ruble Is The New Paradigm Shift For Global Economy

Even though it’s still too premature to predict how the US dollar will fare during this economic shift, it is almost certain that it will emerge weaker and less dominant than before. This comes as a result of the gold backed ruble which is the new paradigm shift for the global economy.

The Plot Against America – Secret History Of ANTIFA & British Intelligence

Secret History Of ANTIFA & British Intelligence

With the unfortunate death of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, America has been plunged into a Civil War by the anarchist organization Antifa. Much has been written about the group, however Antifa’s ties to the British intelligence is a closely guarded secret. From glorifying a British war criminal to bomb innocent […]

Venezuela Sues Bank Of England For Refusing Its Gold

Venezuela Sues Bank Of England For Refusing Its Gold

Weeks after Venezuelan intelligence crushed a secret plot to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro, now Venezuela has sued the Bank of England for refusing to give back its Gold. President Nicolas Maduro has also announced that Venezuela will sue US in International Criminal Court (ICC) for severe damage caused by the economic sanctions. Venezuela’s Central Bank has […]