Nanoplastics Linked To Parkinson’s And Dementia

A new study from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and the Department of Chemistry at Trinity College of Arts and Sciences found nanoplastics linked to Parkinson’s and dementia. One day, the plastic water bottle you use on a daily basis can break down into microscopic pieces that cause brain damage. According to recent […]

Italy Bans Lab-Grown Meat

In a Facebook post, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, announced on November 16 that Italy bans lab-grown meat. Italy was the first nation to outlaw cultivated meat, citing concerns for the welfare of its people, the farming sector, and the economy. Lab-grown meat sometimes referred to as “cultivated meat,” is produced in a laboratory […]

Visualizing US GDP By Industry In 2023

Using data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Govind Bhutada of Visual Capitalist has visualized US GDP by industry in 2023. The largest GDP in the world is generated by the diverse and intricate industries that make up the US economy. Govind Bhutada of Visual Capitalist breaks it down, visualizing the US GDP by industry […]

How Russia Helped Launch The Decolonial Movement In The Heart Of The British Empire

Russia helped launch the decolonial movement in the heart of the British Empire with the help of Rafiq “Roosi” Ahmed, one of the few freedom warriors invited to New Delhi in 1972 by the Indian government to commemorate the country’s silver jubilee of independence. Rafiq “Roosi” Ahmed passed away forty years ago. However, his trips […]

Experts Predict Mind-Controlled Devices May Be Common By 2040s

Mohit Shivdasani, a biomedical engineering specialist at the University of New South Wales, predicts that mind-controlled devices using smart brain technology may be common by the 2040s. Experts believe that advances in “smart brain” technology will allow people to operate smart devices with their minds by 2040. A wearable or implanted gadget known as a […]

How The US Built Order On The Ashes Of Genocide

The US Order is built on the ashes of genocide that happened during the junta in Argentina, with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger being an avid supporter of the regime. New information on the long-term consequences of Henry Kissinger’s influence on US foreign policy is emerging as the nation’s former top diplomat is remembered […]

Moderna Hires FBI Agent To Secretly Control Vaccine Debate

According to an exclusive report by investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson, Moderna has been reported to hire former FBI agents to secretly control the vaccine debate. Moderna, a pharmaceutical company, is using its disinformation department to monitor what it refers to as “vaccine misinformation” online. The goal is to silence any dissenting opinions […]

Russia Takes Control Of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery For 20 Years

After Iraq’s Oil Ministry approved Inpex, the big oil corporation of Japan, to sell its share of Iraq’s biggest oil discovery, ‘Block 10’, Russia is set to take control of it for 20 years. Iraq’s Eridu oil field is estimated to have reserves of seven to ten billion barrels based on preliminary estimations. Speaking exclusively […]

October 7th Massacre & Israel’s Hannibal Directive

A police source told Haaretz that an Israeli combat helicopter arrived and began firing at Israelis attending the celebration, in addition to targeting Hamas fighters during the October 7th massacre. A memorial service was recently conducted for 12-year-old Liel Hezroni, an Israeli girl from Kibbutz Be’eri who lost her life on October 7th during the […]

Will Israel Confiscate Palestinian Gas For EU

There is potential for Israel to confiscate Palestinian gas for the EU as part of the EU-Israel-Saudi Arabia-Emirates-India Corridor. The Biden White House is raving about the impending Gaza truce it helped arrange, acting as though it’s “on the verge” of its “biggest diplomatic victory,” while the rest of the world is lamenting “Israeli genocide.” […]