Origin Of Monkeypox According To China

Origin Of Monkeypox According To China

Monkeypox is not understood to travel easily between humans. There has been a lot of speculation regarding it’s origins and one of the more prevalent ones is the origin of monkeypox according to China.

Why People Are Sick And What Can Be Done About It

Why People Are Sick And What Can Be Done About It

We observe a world full of suffering populations. Disease has engulfed society. Chronic diseases have reached a peak. People suffer from not just one but multiple illnesses. Even small children are not spared. The joy of life, once the birth right of beings, has been replaced by the pain of having to carry the burden of a misfunctioning body and mind. Is it our fate to suffer? Why are we suffering so much? What can we do to emerge from this nightmare? It is not difficult to find out.

Monkey Pox – Truth Versus Fearporn

Monkey Pox - Truth Versus Fearporn

I keep getting asked the same question again and again; is this outbreak of monkey pox a real threat, or is this another case of overstated and weaponized public health messaging? I am going to save my answer to this question for the end of this article and instead focus on what monkey pox is, the nature and characteristics of the associated disease, what we know and don’t know.

Is GreatGameIndia An Intelligence Operation?

As you already know, since the beginning of COVID-19 GreatGameIndia is being actively hounded for publishing controversial stories. We were able to track down the head of the snake, so to say, to the Atlantic Council – which is the military propaganda arm of NATO and interestingly also controls the network of the so-called “fact-checkers”.