CIA Assessment Of The Russia Ukraine War

According to CIA Director William Burns, Russia’s attack of Ukraine has fallen far short of Vladimir Putin’s expectations, and the Russian president is likely to increase military operations.

What Is Russia’s Special DeNazification Operation In Ukraine

For years, Russia has been calling on Western nations to investigate cases of human rights abuse, illegal killings, and war crimes committed by the Ukrainian authorities that came to power after the 2014 coup. Moscow pointed out that many of them were committed by neo-Nazis against Russians or Russian-speaking people. Here is what Vladimir Putin meant by Russia’s Special DeNazification Operation in Ukraine.

Finally US Confirms Russia Planned To Attack Dangerous Biolabs In Ukraine

Just two days after GreatGameIndia reported that secret US Biolabs in Ukraine could be a targeted by Russians, the US Embassy removed all evidence of bioweapons labs in Ukraine from their website, while mainstream media branded it as disinformation. Now, we have official confirmation from US Under Secretary that Russia indeed planned to attack Bioweapons labs in Ukraine and that Washington was working with Kiev on dangerous pathogens in those labs authorized by former US President Barack Obama himself.