Do You Know How Many People Have Been Killed Worldwide By Their Governments From The COVID Shots?

Do You Know How Many People Have Been Killed Worldwide By Their Governments From The COVID Shots

A more conservative number is to divide the number of doses by 2,500. This is the number Mathew Crawford estimated from global data: 411 deaths per Million doses. Earlier, I offered a $1M reward to anyone who found a significant error in his work. No takers. This is documented on my Substack and in my Twitter stream, but of course everything I tweeted was deleted by Twitter as being unsafe. A free $1M no strings attached. Nobody accepted.

COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Lung Blockages

COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Lung Blockages

In just four months in 2021, there were 729,496 adverse events pertaining to the vaccine, of which 3,420 were thrombotic; 63 of those affected died. This raises the question regarding COVID-19 vaccine causing lung blockages.

Paxlovid Is Causing Covid Mutations

Paxlovid Is Causing Covid Mutations

President Biden continues to harbor the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) in his body. He first contracted COVID-19 on July 21, two and a half weeks before the present. Is this because of immunosuppression – due to his heavily boosted status, or for some other reason? That being said, the single antiviral drug regime of Paxlovid may also be causing the virus to stay in his body for a long time, an effect otherwise referred to as “the rebound” effect: