West “Plundered” India, Hooked Nations On Drugs, Says Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Friday that the West has “plundered” nations like India in violation of the values of “truth, freedom, and justice,” accusing the West of inciting colour revolutions in any country for geopolitical gains.

Get Your Genome Sequenced For Just $200

Get Your Genome Sequenced For Just $200

Increased competition could benefit the genomics industry, even though research is generally difficult to convert into real-world health advances. But now, you can get your genome sequenced for just $200.

1354 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 922 Of Them Dead, Since COVID Vaccine

1354 Athlete Cardiac Arrests Serious Issues 922 Of Them Dead Since COVID Injection

It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

Is It Time To Dissolve The British Commonwealth?

Is It Time To Dissolve The British Commonwealth

Upon the accession of Charles III as King of the United Kingdom and 14 other realms, questions have emerged over the continued relevance of the wider Commonwealth of Nations headed by the British monarch. The Commonwealth is a grouping of 56 nations, with a total combined population of 2.2 billion people. Among these nations, only Australia, New Zealand and Canada enjoy a special relationship with the UK, through the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (which also includes the United States).

The CIA Is Not Your Friend

The CIA Is Not Your Friend

It hasn’t been a month since President Biden mounted the steps of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, declaring it his duty to ensure each of us understands the central faction of his political opposition are extremists that “threaten the very foundations of our Republic.” Flanked by the uniformed icons of his military and standing atop a Leni Riefenstahl stage, the leader clenched his fists to illustrate seizing the future from the forces of “fear, division, and darkness.” The words falling from the teleprompter ran rich with the language of violence, a “dagger at the throat” emerging from the “shadow of lies.”