The Nilar: A Pan-African Gold Currency

The Nilar A Pan-African Gold Currency

African countries emerged as “independent” nation-states in a context of a debt-based fiat money system, the fiat dollar standard. Independent is in quotation marks because Africa’s countries’ independence is nominal. That is said with due respect and gratitude to all brave men and women who fought, bled, and died to end (direct) colonialism. Still, Africa remains under indirect colonization. One of the most crippling, and certainly the most shackling, forms of subjugation Africa is under is monetary colonialism.

Online Casinos: The ultimate guide

Picking a land-based casino is easy. You can check the place, look for feedback, and the overall infrastructure can give you the idea if it’s legit or not.  On the other hand, choosing an online casino can be tricky. Any website can claim to be the best platform with high-quality images, a friendly user interface, […]

Ethereum The Merge Transition To The Beacon Chain

Ethereum The Merge Transition To The Beacon Chain

An estimation on the blog of the Ethereum Foundation claims that the merger will reduce total energy consumption by at least 99.95%, but not everyone is convinced of the advantages. We are witnessing Ethereum and its merge transition to the beacon chain.

Fauci Ordered To Turn Over Emails Within 21 Days

Fauci Ordered To Turn Over Emails Within 21 Days

In July, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty ordered the Biden government to produce documents demanded by the plaintiffs as part of the discovery process as soon as possible. This includes Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was ordered to turn over emails within 21 days.

How US Toppled European & Central Asian Governments Using The Almighty Dollar

How US Toppled European And Central Asian Governments Using The Almighty Dollar

Since February, the US and its allies have paid “pseudo-pacifist” individuals in Russia more than four billion rubles ($66 million US), according to Deputy Security Council Secretary Alexander Grebenkin. The extravagant spending conforms within a well-established playbook of meddling used by Washington in Eastern Europe for well over 30 years, so it is nothing new. This is how the US topples European and Central Asian governments using the almighty dollar.