How Monkeypox Saved Two American Smallpox Vaccine Companies

How Monkeypox Saved Two American Smallpox Vaccine Companies

In recent days, concern over a global outbreak of monkeypox, a mild disease related to smallpox and chickenpox, has been hyped in the media and health ministries around the world, even prompting an emergency meeting at the World Health Organization (WHO). For some, fears have centered around monkeypox being the potential “next pandemic” after Covid-19. For others, the fear is that monkeypox will be used as the latest excuse to further advance draconian biosecurity policies and global power grabs.

Genetically Modified Strain Of Monkeypox Kills 250 Million People In War Game Simulation Prompting New Pandemic Warning

Genetically Modified Strain Of Monkeypox Kills 250 Million People In War Game Simulation Prompting New Pandemic Warning

Experts have recently raised concerns about the growing dangers posed by the production of deadly diseases in laboratories, which could be unleashed into the wild either accidentally or deliberately by unscrupulous actors. Meanwhile, a report (read full report below) has warned of a new pandemic warning after 250 million people died of a genetically modified strain of monkeypox in a war game simulation similar to Event-201 conducted just before COVID-19 hit the world.

How Covid Lockdowns Came To Italy

How Covid Lockdowns Came To Italy

In Snake Oil, I detail the evidence that the Chinese Communist Party used multiple modes of influence including online propaganda, mainstream media, and fraudulent “science” to popularize lockdown policies that were unprecedented in the western world. But for many, one big question remains: Yes, this may all be true, but what about Italy?

How The 2014 Odessa Massacre Became A Turning Point For Ukraine

Burned Alive: How The 2014 Odessa Massacre Became A Turning Point For Ukraine

Eight years ago this week, something significant happened in Odessa, a historically important city in the southwest of Ukraine. Although the West didn’t see it as such, for Russia and the newly formed Donbass republics, what transpired there became a symbolic episode.

The Ukraine War Is A Racket

The Ukraine War Is A Racket

“War is a racket, wrote US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935. He explained: “A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”

CIA Plot To Assassinate Russian Journalists Foiled

CIA Plot To Assassinate Russian Journalists Foiled

The FSB reported that members of “National Socialism/White Power” an international neo-Nazi organization, have been apprehended in connection with a plot to murder Vladimir Solovyev. With this capture, the CIA plot to assassinate Russian journalists has been foiled.