Top Secret Meetings? A Deep Dive Into Anthony Fauci’s Calendar

Top Secret Meetings A Deep Dive Into Anthony Fauci's Calendar

On Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 9am, Dr. Anthony Fauci joined staff at the National Security Council (NSC) — the President’s national security and foreign policy advisory shop — for a meeting in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building about the novel coronavirus. Fauci would continue to have meetings in classified settings throughout the month.

The Rise Of TikTok And Fall Of Facebook

In an interview with Stratechery on October 12, Mark Zuckerberg talked about the rise of TikTok and the fall of Facebook, calling it a sort of missed opportunity.

Meet The Consortium Imposing The Growing Censorship Regime

Meet The Consortium Imposing The Growing Censorship Regime

The rapid escalation of online censorship, and increasingly offline censorship, cannot be overstated. The silencing tactic that has most commonly provoked attention and debate is the banning of particular posts or individuals by specific social media platforms. But the censorship regime that has been developed, and which is now rapidly escalating, extends far beyond those relatively limited punishments.

Investigation Into Event-201

Investigation Into Event-201

Just weeks prior to the onset of COVID Mania, some of the most maniacal, power hungry forces on the planet got together to war-game a fictional coronavirus outbreak passing from an animal reservoir to humans with “no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year,” warning of a “similar pandemic in the future.”