Espionage And The Catholic Church

The Holy See has played an important but understudied role in intelligence and diplomacy through its diplomatic service, which is one of the oldest in the world. The extensive presence of the Holy See’s diplomats combined with their neutrality provides them access to unique information in the far corners of the globe.

Secret Docs Show CIA Pressured Yemen To Release Al-Qaeda Propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki

According to secret documents released by the Houthi government it was the CIA who pressured Yemen to release Al Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki. The incident exposes how the CIA train their individuals in Yemen and send them abroad to carry out operations for them, and then affix the accusation to Yemen as an excuse to come under the cover of fighting those individuals.

Zambia Must Not Inject Foreign COVID-19 Vaccines If Not Verified By Local Scientists Says Ex Vice President

The former Vice President of Zambia, Dr. Nevers Mumba has declared that COVID-19 vaccines made by foreign manufacturers should not be injected into any Zambians if it cannot be verified and validated by local Zambian scientists. He asked, how do we know that the injection that was made for President Biden, is the same vaccine that was given to Zambia. He also said that he himself will not take the experimental vaccine and nor family unless established safe by Zambian scientists.

EXPOSED: How British Intelligence Manipulated Julian Assange Trial

EXPOSED How British Intelligence Manipulated Julian Assange Trial

Investigative journalists Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis of Declassified UK have extensively studied numerous aspects of the Julian Assange extradition hearing revealing the legal irregularities and conflicts of interest in the case. The reports expose how British Intelligence manipulated Julian Assange trial. Julian Assange’s judge and her husband’s links to the British intelligence The husband […]