Why Big Tech Is Pouring Money Into Carbon Removal

A new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emphasizes the need to remove billions of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is why Big Tech is investing in carbon removal, stressing that reducing emissions alone will not suffice.

Russia Has Become India’s Second Largest Oil Supplier

Russia Has Become India's Second Largest Oil Supplier

With oil and energy becoming a major source of worry for billions of people as 2022 drags on, India has positioned itself in quite a nice situation. This is predicated on the fact that Russia has become India’s second largest oil supplier.

Is Bill Gates Behind The Production Of Fake Breast Milk And Other ‘Alternative’ Foods?

Is Bill Gates Behind The Production Of Fake Breast Milk And Other Alternative Foods

Fake food is being poised as a panacea to end world hunger and food shortages, but there’s nothing miraculous about synthetic, lab-made food. It can’t compare to food that comes from nature in terms of nutrition or environmental protection, and as we’re seeing with the mysterious infant formula shortages, when you’re dependent on fake food, your very survival is also dependent on the handful of companies that manufacture them.

List Of Top 10 WEF Dystopian Agenda

List Of Top 10 WEF Dystopian Agenda

The most frequent theme that pops when looking into WEF is “control.” They want to have control over our thoughts, where we go, what we say, what we eat, and how we dress. Here is the list of top 10 WEF dystopian agenda.

The Decline And Fall Of Davos Man

The Decline And Fall Of Davos Man

Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine loomed large at this year’s annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where political and business leaders once gathered to celebrate globalization and pursue more of it. Now, the world has entered a new phase of history in which geopolitics will predominate.