American Avenger Air Defense Systems Spotted In Syria

The spotting of American Avenger Air Defense Systems on the highway linking Iraq and Syria has fueled speculations regarding US move in the Levant warzone – kickstarting again the Endless Wars. At the time of this writing the US has already carried out military strikes in Syria.

Zambia Must Not Inject Foreign COVID-19 Vaccines If Not Verified By Local Scientists Says Ex Vice President

The former Vice President of Zambia, Dr. Nevers Mumba has declared that COVID-19 vaccines made by foreign manufacturers should not be injected into any Zambians if it cannot be verified and validated by local Zambian scientists. He asked, how do we know that the injection that was made for President Biden, is the same vaccine that was given to Zambia. He also said that he himself will not take the experimental vaccine and nor family unless established safe by Zambian scientists.

COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To British Eugenics Movement

COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To UK Eugenics Movement

The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust. Report by Jeremy Loffredo and Whitney Webb The Landmark COVID-19 Agreement On April 30th, AstraZeneca and Oxford University announced a “landmark agreement” for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agreement involves […]

NEW STUDY: Even A Military Enforced Lockdown Cannot Stop Coronavirus

NEW STUDY Even A Military Enforced Lockdown Cannot Stop Coronavirus

Just days after the Portuguese appeals court ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test, now a new study by the New England Journal of Medicine has revealed that there is absolutely no correlation between lockdowns and the suppression of coronavirus, infact even […]

Barbados Walks Out Of Commonwealth & Removes Queen Elizabeth II As Sovereign

Barbados Walks Out Of Commonwealth & Removes Queen Elizabeth II As Sovereign

In a big announcement this week, the Caribbean nation of Barbados is planning to walk out of the Commonwealth and remove Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state. The Queen is the “constitutional monarch” of Barbados since her independence on 30 November 1966. As the sovereign, she is the personal embodiment of the Barbadian […]

Coronavirus Vaccine Cause Mysterious Illness In Volunteer. Trials Stopped.

Coronavirus Vaccine Cause Mysterious Illness In Volunteer. Trials Stopped.

Drug giant AstraZeneca has stopped global trials of its coronavirus vaccine after it caused a mysterious illness in one of the volunteers. The company said it is investigating the cause of the unexplained illness but did not say who had stopped the trial. UPDATE: The mysterious illness caused during COVID-19 vaccine trials is identified as […]