Notes From The Digital Gulag

Notes From The Digital Gulag

As the author of Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, I guess I should not be surprised to find myself squarely in the digital gulag—banished, perhaps permanently, from Twitter and Facebook. Twitter permanently suspended my account several weeks ago, mere days before Elon Musk took over the helm.

The Age of Drones

The Age of Drones

While researching my piece, The Truth about Luciferase, I came across a patent that blew my mind and I absolutely had to write about it.

Here Is How Government Can Track Your Cryptocurrency Transactions

Here Is How Government Can Track Your Cryptocurrency Transactions

Leaked files reviewed by MintPress expose how intelligence services the world over can track cryptocurrency transactions to their source and therefore identify users by monitoring the movements of smartphone and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, such as Amazon Echo. The contents comprehensively detonate the myth of crypto anonymity, and have grave implications for individuals and states seeking to shield their financial activity from the prying eyes of hostile governments and authorities.

Central Asia’s ’Water Wars” Are Heating Up

Central Asia’s Water Wars Are Heating Up

Although multiple factors (e.g., strategic, political and ethnic) contribute to the escalation of border tensions among the Central Asian neighbors, the management of water resources has been a perennial issue, frequently sparking conflict.