Russia’s Ultimate Goal For War In Ukraine

Many observers speculate that Putin invaded Ukraine because he wanted to prevent NATO from expanding to Russia’s border. He felt increasingly threatened by a Ukrainian government formed in the aftermath of a 2014 Obama-backed coup. It is highly unlikely that Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine without first receiving the approval of China’s Xi Jinping.

The Year The World Went Mad: A Scientific Memoir From the Pandemic

Mark Woolhouse is professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, SAGE adviser, and now author of ‘The Year the World Went Mad’, a personal, insider’s view of how the Covid pandemic played out. The book is a very useful review of what happened, even for those who followed events closely. The story is one of constant lurches from complacency to panic, optimism to pessimism, and back again. 

World Economic Forum’s Plan For A Mandatory Subscription Based Service For Antibiotics

It has been obvious since early 2020 that there has been an organized cult outreach that has permeated the world as a whole. It’s possible that this formed out of a gigantic error, rooted in a sudden ignorance of cell biology and long experience of public health. It is also possible that a seasonal respiratory virus was deployed by some people as an opportunity to seize power for some other purpose. 

Canadian Doctor Condemns COVID Vaccines As Murder Shots

Experts have harshly attacked all the so-called public health interventions, not only vaccines, as more data becomes available. Among these is a criticism by a Canadian doctor who condemns COVID vaccines as murder shots.

Are They Finally Admitting Natural Immunity?

In late January, the CDC published a report that made what might have been regarded as a shocking claim. If you have had Covid, the CDC demonstrated in a chart, you gain robust immunity that is better than that of vaccination, especially concerning duration. 

Is Dr Fauci Responsible For COVID Pandemic?

With millions of Americans getting infected and over 800,000 reported COVID-19 deaths, most people now realize that Washington’s pandemic policies failed. Lockdowns just postponed the inevitable while causing enormous collateral damage on cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, mental health, education and much else.

Why Klaus Schwab Is Pushing Critical Race Theory

The World Economic Forum, the exclusive talk shop that meets yearly in Davos, is at it again, this time looking to drive a wedge between the races. This begs the question: Why are capitalists so gung-ho about ‘Marxist’ ideology?