Why Isn’t Everyone In Bangladesh Dead From COVID?

Bangladesh just reported zero COVID deaths in the entire country in a 24-hour period. Charitably, one-quarter of the population is vaccinated. This poor, incredibly densely populated nation appears poised on the verge of achieving herd immunity – despite violating every principle the high priests of the pandemic assure us are necessary to beat COVID.

Most Deadly Smallpox Virus Samples In The World Accidentally Found At Merck Vaccine Facility

One of the most deadly Smallpox virus samples in the world has been accidentally found at a Merck vaccine facility while cleaning. The virus is considered so deadly that only two labs in the world are authorized to store samples of it, one in Russia and the other at the CDC in Atlanta. Meanwhile, Bill Gates has warned governments to prepare for smallpox terror attacks and future pandemics by investing billions into a global pandemic task force running “germ games” to prepare for future outbreaks or biological attacks.

Why Sweden’s COVID Experiment Worked

Until recently, prohibition remained the largest experiment in social engineering a democracy had ever undertaken. And then, in early 2020, a new virus began to spread from China. Faced with this threat, the world’s governments responded by closing schools, banning people from meeting, forcing entrepreneurs to shut their businesses and making ordinary people wear face masks. Like prohibition, this experiment provoked a debate. In all the democracies of the world, freedom was weighed against what was perceived as security; individual rights versus what was considered best for public health.