How The West Fuel Conflicts And Escalate Crises In The World

During his speech to the UN General Assembly, Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, said that the West fuels conflicts and escalates crises in the world. The West is fundamentally an “empire of lies,” according to Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, and has a history of not upholding its commitments. Lavrov made […]

Could A New War Erupt Between Armenia And Azerbaijan?

According to Nikol Pashinyan, the prime minister of Armenia, on September 1, the Azerbaijani military forces launched another provocation, which could erupt between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The protracted dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Karabakh is on the verge of developing into another hot war, which is causing the situation in the South Caucasus to […]

Niger Military Leaders Give French Ambassador 48 Hours To Leave Country

Niger Military Leaders Give French Ambassador 48 Hours To Leave Country

French companies are the main owners of three major uranium mines in Niger, a country with abundant uranium deposits in Africa. Niger ranks as the seventh-largest uranium producer globally and the second-largest supplier of uranium to the European Union. About 70% of France’s electricity originates from nuclear power. After the Nigerien military overthrew Niger’s Bazoum […]

Top US Food Imports By Origin Country

Top US Food Imports By Origin Country

The United States is a big maker and seller of food, but did you know it’s also a major buyer of food from other countries? Because of the weather and changing seasons, some foods can’t be grown here in the U.S. enough to satisfy how much we want to eat. So, many of the foods […]

US Seeks License To Encircle Russia, China With Biolabs

US Seeks License To Encircle Russia, China With Biolabs

Documents found during Moscow’s operation in Ukraine revealed that the US was running an extensive biological research effort there. Over $200 million was spent on 46 biolabs researching deadly diseases. Russia, China, and some EU countries still await Washington’s responses about these labs. The recent Pentagon report about America facing “expanding biological threats” from foreign […]

How Did Pharma Buy So Many Governments?

How Did Pharma Buy So Many Governments

One of the unsettling things that came out of the “Facebook Files” is the revelation of an unusual official policy that controlled the platform during the COVID-19 years. “For content that doesn’t meet that threshold, we instituted borderline demotions,” the company wrote on July 16, 2021. “For example, someone sharing negative side effect posts. Similarly, […]

China’s Evergrande Files For Bankruptcy

China’s Evergrande Files For Bankruptcy

China’s Evergrande Group, previously the second-largest property developer in the country, declared bankruptcy in New York on Thursday. The company faced significant financial troubles and defaulted on its debt in 2021. This triggered a major property crisis in China’s economy, the effects of which persist today. Evergrande sought Chapter 15 bankruptcy protection, allowing a US […]

Now Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin For COVID-19, Says FDA

Now Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin For COVID-19 Says FDA

During oral arguments on August 8th, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, Ashley Cheung Honold, a representative of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from the Department of Justice, stated that physicians possess the freedom to prescribe ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Ashley Cheung Honold, a lawyer from the […]

Chinese Doctor Expose Billion Dollar Organ Harvesting Industry

Chinese Doctor Expose Billion Dollar Organ Harvesting Industry

Entering the van accompanied by armed soldiers, five surgeons, and nurses, Zheng Zhi stepped into a realm that would haunt him for the next twenty-five years. At that time, Dr. Zheng was a resident physician at one of China’s largest military hospitals. His knowledge extended only as far as being part of a “secret military […]

France Refuses To Withdraw Military From Former Colony Niger

France Refuses To Withdraw Military From Former Colony Niger

France has emphasized its commitment to upholding five military cooperation pacts with Niger, as these agreements were entered into with the lawful authorities of the West African nation. This stance remains unchanged despite the newly established junta in the former colony urging the revocation of these agreements. “France recalls that the legal framework for its […]