Death By Vaccine – The Greatest Scandal Of 21st Century

In his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Dr. Peter Gotzsche arguably recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) writes, “The reason why we take so many drugs is that drug companies do not sell drugs. They sell lies about drugs…. The patients do not realize that although their doctors know a lot about diseases, human physiology and psychology, they know very little about the drugs that have been concocted and dressed up by the drug industry.”

Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of COVID-19

Norway has announced that you are at a greater risk of dying from AstraZeneca vaccine branded as Covishield in India than from COVID-19. While waiting for the final decision on the controversial vaccine, Norway has meanwhile decided to offload its stock of AstraZeneca to fellow Nordic countries that actually want to use them despite the associated risks.

How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Causing Myocarditis In Youngsters

Inflammation and swelling of the heart, a condition known as Myocarditis, has been identified in many youngsters who have received their dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Although experts are still looking into the matter, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed over 200 cases of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination in people 30 or below.

The COVID-19 Pandemic And The Corruption Of Genuine Science

“Modern medicine is a negation of health,” Illich wrote in his acclaimed book Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health. “It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.”