Russia Sends Urban Warfare Troops To Ukraine For Second Wave Of Attack (Satellite Photos)

According to a satellite service, a Russian military convoy heading towards the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv has increased from 17 miles to 40 miles, as US authorities cautioned that the city might be the stage of a siege and nasty urban combat. Russia is now sending urban warfare troops to Ukraine to bolster its second wave of attack, as per satellite images.

Here Is How NATO Expansion Led To Russia Ukraine Conflict

“After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia. How naive we were to think the military-industrial complex would allow such sanity to prevail.”

A Google Funded Fact Check Team Appears To Be Non Existent Indians In West Bengal

Last week Instagram notified me that a viral post I had published was “fact checked” by a group called ‘The Healthy Indian Project’. My mother is from Bombay, and I did lose 40lbs last year, but I didn’t think they had created an entire unit just for me. So, I decided to find out who this group is. My findings are bemusing.

How World Economic Forum Infiltrates Governments To Put Its Members As Leaders

Maajid Nawaz, a British activist and radio broadcaster, seemed to startle Joe Rogan, a mega-star podcaster, as he outlined how Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is penetrating world governments to put its own members as leaders to establish a global “checkpoint society” in a Saturday discussion.

The Year The World Went Mad: A Scientific Memoir From the Pandemic

Mark Woolhouse is professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, SAGE adviser, and now author of ‘The Year the World Went Mad’, a personal, insider’s view of how the Covid pandemic played out. The book is a very useful review of what happened, even for those who followed events closely. The story is one of constant lurches from complacency to panic, optimism to pessimism, and back again. 

Israel Scrapping COVID Vaccine Green Pass

Following two years of tough pandemic restrictions on companies, Israel is finally scrapping the Covid vaccine green pass system. The final choice to eliminate the vaccine pass arrives just days after tens of thousands of people began pouring into Jerusalem to call for an end to the country’s Covid limitations.

Sonic Weapons Were Used To Attack Protesters By Australian Police

There seem to be alarming evidence that during the February 12 Canberra Convoy protests, the largest in Australia’s history, Australians were attacked by sonic weapons, as to what seems to be yet another stride towards militarised oppression of legal demonstrations in Australia. If this is the case, the government has launched an atrocious attack on its own citizens.