Mosquitoes’ Scent Based Host Seeking Mechanism Revealed

Mosquitoes' Scent Based Host Seeking Mechanism Revealed

New findings on the brain of the mosquito might help researchers get closer to combating mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria and yellow fever, which still harm millions of people. The study reveals mosquitoes’ scent based host seeking mechanism.

The Real Reason Behind The EU’s Drive To Embargo Russian Oil

The Real Reason Behind The EU’s Drive To Embargo Russian Oil

This week the European Union is expected to announce a complete import ban on Russian oil. Hungary, in its first real act of defiance, is threatening to veto this; Germany, after some hemming and hawing, has finally decided it can survive such a ban.

Your Face Is Now A Weapon Of War

Your Face Is Now A Weapon Of War

Who owns your face? You might think that you do, but consider that Clearview AI, an American company that sells facial recognition technology, has amassed a database of ten billion images since 2020. By the end of the year, it plans to have scraped 100 billion facial images from the internet. It is difficult to assess the company’s claims, but if we take Clearview AI at face value, it has enough data to identify almost everyone on earth and end privacy and anonymity everywhere.

NIH Spent $246 Million Getting Animals Stoned

NIH Spent $246 Million Getting Animals Stoned

According to a new analysis by a group opposed to publicly-funded animal research, federal grant winners breached the law by investing an approximate $246 million in taxpayer cash on cannabis and e-cigarette animal tests. Taxpayers paid an approximate $1.5 million for pregnant mice to be treated with marijuana metabolites in the research.