Quarterly Geopolitical Analysis Jan-Mar 2016

In the last two months two seemingly innocent and unnoticed events happened within the borders of the subcontinent with far reaching political and geopolitical implications. The first of the two events was the acceptance for first time by the Prime Minister of India regarding the Russian captivity of Subhash Chandra Bose post 1945. Along with […]

Pathankot Attack: Oil, Globalization & Terror

Punjab, for many years, has been a transit point for drugs from Afghanistan. The drug money has become a major source of funding of elections in Punjab and over the time a well-organized drug cartel has come into existence with active connivance of politicians, police officers and drug lords. This drug money is used in […]

Pathankot Attack & The International Drug Trade

UPDATE: After we reported on how the ‪#‎PathankotAttack‬ was not just another usual terror incident but related to the International ‪#‎DrugMafia‬ stretching from Afghanistan via Pakistan to India from where it is shipped off to Dubai and Europe, today almost every mainstream media has picked up on it. Not only the drug cartel’s role is highlighted […]

US Just Planned To Nuke Moscow During Cold War But Bombed Japan In WWII To Stop Bose

Newly declassified Cold War documents show America was prepared to destroy hundreds of Soviet cities, possibly prompting all-out nuclear Armageddon. This shouldn’t come as a surprise because the US and the allies did just the same during World War II when they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki even after Japan was ready to surrender; in order […]

How Paris Attacks Drives Stocks Of Weapons Manufacturers

Does likelihood of an expanded military response to ISIS signal a boom for the arms industry? Stock prices for weapons manufacturers sharply increased just after the terrorist attacks in Paris. When the New York Stock Exchange opened Monday morning, less than three days after terrorists attacked in Paris, five leading American weapons manufacturers saw their […]

The Heroic Saga: The Escape, Exile & Death Of Bose

Subhas Chandra Bose's Plot To Bring Down The British Empire

Finally, the truth about Bose’s communication with his family till 1949 and a partial truth about his survival post 1949, is out because of the courageous act of the family members of Subhas Chandra Bose. Though after a couple of broadcasts over television networks, this particular ‘news’ was redacted, may be due to the political […]

MNCs Operated Destruction Of India

Two-and-a-half years after the completion of a new $17 million terminal building, the airport in Jaisalmer, a small and remote desert city in Rajasthan, stands empty. As reported not a single passenger has passed through the gates of an airport big enough to handle more than 300,000 travellers a year, with parking bays for three […]

Ukraine: Failed State, Fake Revolution

While Ukraine or rather its remains suffers an agony caused by the redistribution of property and dismantling the remnants of sovereignty with the support of Western partners and transnational corporations, it is important to summarize some implications concerning the statehood of this geopolitical formation and political reforms during the last 10 years. We deliberately abstract […]

Tatya Tope’s Operation Red Lotus

Tatya Tope's Operation Red Lotus

1857; the event known till date as the Sepoy Mutiny by a fairly large segment of our population. Even those who refer to it as a War of Independence call it a spontaneous uprising; thanks largely to the incorrect narrative of the war written and recorded by the English, and dutifully followed by Indian Historians […]

The Hunt For The Treasure Of Vijayanagara Empire

(Jews)… who are we… for 2000 years we have no place to go and now we have a home, the State of Israel… But still the killing of (ADAE) has never stopped worldwide… Now Munich. While our children are killed all across countries the world is playing volleyball… – Attributed to Prime Minister Golda Meir […]