China Proposes ‘Global Civilization Initiative’

China Proposes Global Civilization Initiative

Leaders of political parties and organizations from around the world have hailed the China-proposed Global Civilization Initiative, saying that it has great relevance, together with the Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative, to building up countries’ consensus on addressing mounting global challenges in terms of peace, security, development and harmonious coexistence.

BLM Movement Received An Astonishing $83 BILLION In Donations

BLM Movement Received An Astonishing $83 BILLION In Donations

The Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life explained the necessity of their report in an article published in Newsweek, where the Center asserted that the 2020 BLM movement was about more than just “rioting and destruction.”

Scientists Identify Substance That May Have Sparked Life On Earth

Scientists Identify Substance That May Have Sparked Life On Earth

A portion of a protein that may hold the key to identifying planets on the edge of supporting life has been discovered by a group of Rutgers researchers working to identify the earliest beginnings of metabolism, the set of fundamental chemical events that originally powered life on Earth.

How To Repair Your Heart From Vaccine Damage

How To Repair Your Heart From Vaccine Damage

There have been a some peer reviewed papers recently published which provide clear evidence that certain dietary supplements can help in repairing and supporting cardiovascular and vascular health. Based on these data, it is reasonable to hypothesize that supplements shown to support heart and vascular health in this manner will provide benefit to those with damage done to the heart and arteries/veins by COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines and most likely will have benefit.