FBI Raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Residence

FBI Raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Residence

The FBI has raided Trump’s Mar-A-Lago residence. In light of the fact that Trump has been setting the framework for a potential second presidential run, the action represents a substantial increase in law enforcement surveillance on him.

“Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma And Vaccines”

Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma And Vaccines

The American Conservative (TAC at Hillsdale College in DC) recently hosted a panel discussion featuring Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Peter McCullough on “Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma and Vaccines.”

The Tyranny Of Coronaphobia

The Tyranny Of Coronaphobia

I’ve had two big worries during the pandemic, starting from the very beginning and still ongoing. Both relate to my sense that ‘coronaphobia’ has taken over as the basis of government policy in so many countries, with a complete loss of perspective that life is a balance of risks pretty much on a daily basis.