After Vaccine Passports For People, Now $12,000 COVID-19 Health Seal For Businesses

Celebrities like Lady Gaga and Robert De Niro are using Covid-19 to promote an expensive ‘health seal’ scheme that will certify your business location as COVID-19 feee. These celebrities are preaching people to buy this health seal that could cost you over $12,000 and which “does not guarantee that a space is safe or free from pathogens.”

Budget Planning for Business Students

Business students are often put through various environments simulating real business worlds. Their knowledge and skills are tested in real-life circumstances. Of course, most students already expect this as part of their college academics, which makes the whole experience way better. In this article, we will focus on one of the vital aspects of any […]

Why Are They Drugging The Students?

Why Are They Drugging The Students? 1

A scandal involving the cooperation of pharmaceutical firms, government authorities, and the medical sector has emerged, exposing the widespread issue of drugging students with ADHD medications. This article was authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times. You can read it here. A scandal that has long existed but is not well known outside […]

Inside The Rise Of Human Composting

Inside The Rise Of Human Composting 1

A new wave of eco-friendly funeral options is gaining traction. Companies like Return Home and Recompose, led by Micah Truman, are offering human composting as a sustainable and personal alternative to traditional burials and cremations. Blaire Van Valkenburgh was walking through the woods with lanterns dangling from both hands, visiting the dirt that used to […]