Rise Of The Multipolar World Order

Rise Of The Multipolar World Order

It is impossible to track the geoeconomic turbulence inherent to the “birth pangs” of the multipolar world without the insights of Professor Michael Hudson at the University of Missouri, and author of the already seminal The Destiny of Civilization.

Mobile online bingo sites for Millennials, a rising trend

Millennials were for many years ignored by the online gambling industry, as they were regarded as a small size of the market. Online bingo rooms were particularly reluctant to invest a lot of time and energy to appeal to this category. Things have changed entirely in recent years and now Millennials spend a lot of […]

Rise Of The Tesla Bots

Rise Of The Tesla Bots

Elon Musk has unveiled his latest brainchild—the Optimus Tesla Bot—a humanoid robot designed to help with repetitive, low-skill, and boring tasks such as flipping burgers or washing windows. The artificial intelligence-powered Bots could replace any number of tasks involving manual labor, and can supposedly even handle not only dangerous but unusual jobs, such as exotic dancing and stripping. Although the robot is not yet for sale, Musk noted that it is expected to cost much less than a car, with a price point below $20,000 in order to make a useful humanoid robot as quickly as possible. While the rollout of the Tesla Bot has evoked references to dystopian science fiction, the introduction could not have come at a better time in California, where elected officials aim to raise the minimum wage for fast food workers to nearly $22 an hour next year.

Human Cyborgs Are Just The Beginning

Human Cyborgs Are Just The Beginning

Ever since I wrote the substack article on human augmentation and the UK Ministry of Defence and the German Military Complex, discussing that these two organizations advocate for human augmentation in a report entitled “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm”, I have been wondering if the US government, that is to say the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the Administrative State which controls it, has developed similar plans.