Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator

Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator

Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a whistleblower’s lawsuit on the basis that the company can’t be guilty of fraud, abuse, and protocol violations in its COVID Vaccine clinical trials because its contract with the U.S. government allowed them to skirt regulations and federal laws that typically apply to government contracts.

How to Edit an Essay Well and Quickly?

Editing and proofreading are two of the most time-consuming and difficult activities. Many students dislike writing, but they probably know nothing about editing because if we compare these two processes, we’ll find out that editing is the worst. However, we don’t want to underestimate the efforts students make to write their essays. Being a college […]

How Google Manipulates Search Results To Swing Elections

How Google Manipulates Search Results To Swing Elections

All of your personal information, which you have given them through their numerous products, is sold to advertising looking for a specific demographic. In the meantime, they enjoy unrivaled censoring power. This is the reality of how Google manipulates search results to swing elections.

From UK Troll Farms To Covert Psyops: The Troubling Past Of Nina Jankowicz

From UK Troll Farms To Covert Psyops: The Troubling Past Of Nina Jankowicz

The Washington Post revealed Wednesday that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s highly controversial “Disinformation Governance Board,” launched with much fanfare just three weeks earlier, was to close, and that its director, Nina Jankowicz — former fellow at the quasi-state Wilson Center think tank, and Ukrainian foreign ministry communications adviser – had resigned.

Monkey Pox – Truth Versus Fearporn

Monkey Pox - Truth Versus Fearporn

I keep getting asked the same question again and again; is this outbreak of monkey pox a real threat, or is this another case of overstated and weaponized public health messaging? I am going to save my answer to this question for the end of this article and instead focus on what monkey pox is, the nature and characteristics of the associated disease, what we know and don’t know.

Is GreatGameIndia An Intelligence Operation?

As you already know, since the beginning of COVID-19 GreatGameIndia is being actively hounded for publishing controversial stories. We were able to track down the head of the snake, so to say, to the Atlantic Council – which is the military propaganda arm of NATO and interestingly also controls the network of the so-called “fact-checkers”.

The Battle For Control Of Your Mind

The Battle For Control Of Your Mind

Caylan Ford recently observed, with the advent of digital health passports in the emerging biomedical security state, the new symbol of totalitarian repression is “not a boot, but an algorithm in the cloud: emotionless, impervious to appeal, silently shaping the biomass.”